Monday, August 31, 2009

10 sites

who; big fish games
what; a game store online
when; none
where; online
why; cause games are fun
how; the power of the internet

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

hey guess what im doing still another story, more to come
who; diferent reportters and crew
what;them messing up and falling and anything funny
when;no set time
why;cause something hapened
where;no set place
how;something happened

5 storys

this is a Montague of stupid reporters saying confusing things
when; no specific time it could be anytime
where; no specific time
why; well some of the things were pretty hard to say
who; different people from different stations
what;saying thing that they didn't mean to say or things that are hard to say
how;confusing lines mostly
well its a stupid reporter getting clobbered by a mule in a latin country
how; he stood to close to the track
when;not sure
where; some latin country
who; this reporter
why;he wanted a good picure for the story
what;he got clobbered by a mule

wierd hotels rest

well threes a upside down hotel. things are put on the ceiling. the room still has some of the nesisary things you would need to stay there. and thats so flippen ausome i think, so thats wherei would like to stay

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

wierd hotels

who; diferent people and organazations who made them

what;strange organa

when;made at diferent times

where;at diferent places all around europe

why; cause its cool

how; mostly discarded recicled material

Friday, August 21, 2009

who; an austelian web site
what; they claim to be able to talk to the panet closest to us able to suport life
when; august 12 2009
where; an autrealian company i belive to be located in austrelia
why;never said. but i belive its just cool
how;Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex

kerpoof vidio

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

5 pic

i wonder if i can?


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

25 people

top people to follow on twitter

1.Shaun alexander

2. Judas smith

3.luke zito

4. jesica simpson

5. bill gates

6. John C in the Ray Charles band

7.shoun white
8. Pete Cashmor
9.pete cashmore
10.robet scobel
11.chris rogan
12.daren rowse
13jeremiah owyan
14steave rubel
15wayne sutton
16 brian solis
17brian clark
18 maki
19 scott monty
20david armano
25lee odden

Friday, August 14, 2009

well im a little late but who cares i dont. twitter well its a website that broadcasts mesages about what ur doin that u say. who uses it well just about anyone who has texting and a computer. 'cause for one reason its used for stalkers, no probably for famous people who want to be notised. well important no I dont think it is. it could be