Friday, November 20, 2009

5 things

1. teamwork well its working together and agreeing or working to that conclusion
2. we had to be creative unbalivable creative
3. we had to be ready for it whenever it came
4. being able to speak and not crumble
5. working together to get there and we need to comunicate


The president, he’s been called “the most powerful man in the world“. during his campaign there was lots of controversy around was he a legit citizen. Most of that was cleared when they showed that both(2) of the local papers in his area showed that he was born when and where he said he was. Seems to me that controversy and conspiracy surrounds him.
He was born in Hawaii as barak musain oboma. His middle name was a big deal cause it was the same as America’s number one man on the most wanted list. His father is half Muslim, he(oboma) currently attends the church in Washington D.C. his pastor there made some anti-American statements. Saying God d--m America in church and previously oboma said that this man was his mentor.
His campaign to ultimately win the presidency was a long and well fought battle for him and his running mate Biden. They fought against McCain and Nancy Policy the republican party canadates. His slogan and strategy was “Change”, to change the way we do things, and he did putting a national stimulus into play. Trying to eliminate Americas outstanding dept.
Like most presidents he is facing some controversy with the press and the people. Since the presidency of Adams(our second president) there was always people disagreeing with the president. Its unavoidable people will always do that.
This man is a very talented speaker, he is very good with his words. And some people say that is the sole reason he made it. He promised lots of things, like he would bring home the troops but there still over there and he hasn’t announced a plan to bring them home. He made a brilliant run and he is now “the most powerful man in the world”

Monday, November 16, 2009

Star Wars Trumpet Solo"

no i think it was no good, and she dances too. that was awful. but hers the link search star wars solo. ha there it is