Tuesday, December 15, 2009


well this is a story of a boy who. well im not sure what to say. cause i didnt come to school on the creative righting day. had to take some national terrorist out. i came to school with a alias, as shadow fox. the people at my school were ether to intimidated or stupid to realise that that wasnt my name. andif i did tell you, well i would have to kill you.
my home and family are in safe custody cause i go out on secret missions or to hide from the way i dance, but seriously now i cant be making jokes. if i did it would probably be to lethal for you. Anyway about me. I belong to a high end society called “fourth hour” these members include people like thedeerslayer, nightmare, yomama and bct. These of course are code names for the protection of them.
We are now the most feared and most loved by all the clubs. We in this society love fun and good times. These are quality’s of a good group. Our videos make all cringe. For only one reason they are laughing. We take time out of the day to just straight laugh. Cause that’s how awesome.
If we sound crazy we might have to kill you. Just kidding. But seriously we make people laugh. We make people die. We show what’s its meant to die laughing. Just check it out well waight you cant cause your not fourth hour.

Monday, December 7, 2009

my short story

In a town not so far away there was a high school. The school wasn’t to big about 50 kids per grade. Everyone in this school knew each other sort of like BCS. This school was one that everyone liked it. The teachers love there job and the students were as happy they could being in school, everyone was happy except one. His name was Mathew, this student was a new foreign transfer student. He was a nice kid he worked and got good grades. He was polite and never got into trouble. But inside this kid was tormented inside. His parents sent him off to a strange country, with no real people to look after him. He stayed with his grandparents who didn’t really seem to know he existed. He worked his own job to support himself. He paid for his books and car and all the things he would need.
One day the janitor was working late, on a day that no one should be working, Christmas. He came to a room with the light on. He thought that it was strange. When he looked in he saw Mathew. “Sort of late for a student to be finishing up school” he said. “Sorry Mr. Jones” said Mathew
“no problem, just curios though what are you doing” asked Mr. Jones.
“just thinking” answered Mathew. As Mr. Jones drew closer he noticed a M9 in his hand ,a small gun. He took a few cautious steps closer. “Mr. Jones can I ask you a question?”
“yes what’s on your mind Mathew” as he pulled a chair up.
“do you ever feel like giving up?” Mathew asked.
“well, that’s a good question Mathew, well first let me ask you why this is on your mind” eyeing the gun in his hand.
“well I have to work for my schooling and my step parents don’t really care about what I do so it makes everything so hard”
“even during Christmas?” asked Mr. Jones
“yeah its not worth it”
“so do you know the reason for the season”
“ no why, this has no relevance to this”
“well if you knew what it meant then it would make a difference”
“so what’s your point?”
“well God sent his son Jesus to die for you”
“wait why would God care about me”
“that’s the beauty of it, you and me we don’t deserve it. He sent jesus for us while we were jet sinners”
“so God sent Jesus here. To earth died for me”
“yes he did and all you have to do is accept him and let him be your lord”
“well I do want him”
“let me pray with you and accept him”
They bow there heads and Mr. Jones leads him to the lord

Friday, December 4, 2009

In a town not so far away there was a high school. The school wasn’t to big about 50 kids per grade. Everyone in this school knew each other sort of like BCS. This school was one that everyone liked it. The teachers love there job and the students were as happy they could being in school, everyone was happy except one. His name was Mathew, this student was a new foreign transfer student. He was a nice kid he worked and got good grades. He was polite and never got into trouble. But inside this kid was tormented inside. His parents sent him off to a strange country, with no real people to look after him. He stayed with his grandparents who didn’t really seem to know he existed. He worked his own job to support himself. He paid for his books and car and all the things he would need.
One day the janitor was working late, on a day that no one should be working, Christmas. He came to a room with the light on. He thought that it was strange. When he looked in he saw Mathew. “Sort of late for a student to be finishing up school” he said. “Sorry Mr. Jones” said Mathew
“no problem, just curios though what are you doing” asked Mr. Jones.
“just thinking” answered Mathew. As Mr. Jones drew closer he noticed a M9 in his hand ,a small gun. He took a few cautious steps closer. “Mr. Jones can I ask you a question?”
“yes what’s on your mind Mathew” as he pulled a chair up.
“do you ever feel like giving up?” Mathew asked.
“well, that’s a good question Mathew, well first let me ask you why this is on your mind” eyeing the gun in his hand.
“well I have to work for my schooling and my step parents don’t really care about what I do so it makes everything so hard”
“even during Christmas?” asked Mr. Jones
“yeah its not worth it”
“so do you know the reason for the season”
“ no why, this has no relevance to this”
“well if you knew what it meant then it would make a difference”
“so what’s your point?”
“well God sent his son Jesus to die for you”
“wait why would God care about me”
“that’s the beauty of it, you and me we don’t deserve it. He sent jesus for us while we were jet sinners”
“so God sent Jesus here. To earth died for me and
Origin of the coin

You probably have one of these in you pocket or in your purse. They’ve ancestors have been here since 650B.C. there something we use everyday. They are coins. They had a rough start in this country, they had so many currencies. Each state had a currency some shipping companies had there own currencies. In 1792 congress passed the first coinage act, making gold and silver coins

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Well so far its not to bad. We don’t have national health care. We still have a little respect. This is where we might be(pics) it was really easy to find cause these people are really worried. Not me, cause my help comes from beyond the hills

Well so far its not to bad. We don’t have national health care. We still have a little respect. This is where we might be(pics) it was really easy to find cause these people are really worried. Not me, cause my help comes from beyond the hills

We have a eventful past. We were made by a powerful nation, when we were treated badly by them they revolted. Against the most powerful nation and won. We have a history that makes all other countries jealous. Our country is now the greatest country out of all. Im not afraid to say that cause the way to tell is that if more people want in then out.
Our people in our past range from Abraham Lincoln one of our best president. Thomas Edison and ford were in a tie for the best inventor. War is a reoccurring theme for america too. These events are all shaping what we are now even they are in the past.