Tuesday, December 15, 2009


well this is a story of a boy who. well im not sure what to say. cause i didnt come to school on the creative righting day. had to take some national terrorist out. i came to school with a alias, as shadow fox. the people at my school were ether to intimidated or stupid to realise that that wasnt my name. andif i did tell you, well i would have to kill you.
my home and family are in safe custody cause i go out on secret missions or to hide from the way i dance, but seriously now i cant be making jokes. if i did it would probably be to lethal for you. Anyway about me. I belong to a high end society called “fourth hour” these members include people like thedeerslayer, nightmare, yomama and bct. These of course are code names for the protection of them.
We are now the most feared and most loved by all the clubs. We in this society love fun and good times. These are quality’s of a good group. Our videos make all cringe. For only one reason they are laughing. We take time out of the day to just straight laugh. Cause that’s how awesome.
If we sound crazy we might have to kill you. Just kidding. But seriously we make people laugh. We make people die. We show what’s its meant to die laughing. Just check it out well waight you cant cause your not fourth hour.

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