Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein

These men are reporters for the Washington post, a newspaper in DC. Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein are the two men. These men noticed a problem with federal funds. The funds went deep into politics. They followed the money and it ended nowhere. There was money not accounted for. This is what they did.
Bob Woodward was the man who discovered it. He saw men in court that has nice lawyers for conmen criminals. This is just a little strange. He looked at there names, that turned out to be alias. So once he worked his way around who they were and then realized who they were he was shocked.
Carl Bernstein came in a little late trying to edit Bob’s story. Then through the disagreement they started working together. that’s strange too. He smoked a lot. I think he smoked in every single seine. I’m not to sure if that’s how it actually was but it makes a good story.
These men uncovered the biggest scandal to come across the nation. Well that we know of. There are probably lots more that we don’t know of. But that’s what we live in. so we need people like this to research this.

Friday, February 19, 2010


My favorite sport would have to be cross country. But there is a sport that comes after it by such a small amount that I often reconsider which ones my favorite. The only reason that cross country is my favorite it that it’s a school sport. This sport is a combat sport. Not a sport like judo of karate but actual combat. it’s the one and only air soft.
Now air soft is my preferred because its more like actual combat. Not like paintball cause we use guns very similar in combat style. Paintball is a fast paced game, no strategy and less strategy. We are outside while paintballs is inside and in a ring. Strategy is more the name of the game.
Now I’ve played paintball, so don’t think I don’t know. Paintball was fun for a little. And was good for fast paced small attention spans. It took a whole 2 minutes to complete. Big whoop!
air soft was like strategy strategy strategy! Nonstop too. This was my style of play. It was much more enjoyable to play. It takes your abilities and stretches them. The adrenalin factor is less too. Because its longer( like 35 minutes longer) it takes more to keep going.
But this is my choose yours is yours. I cant make up your mind but I would recommend it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Goastrider’s

When I say sniper what comes to mind? Someone with a large rifle and a suit that makes them look like there surroundings. Well in a way that’s what they need along with years of training to be a good sniper. They are the silent pride of the military. Not seen or known until some one falls over dead.
This team is the best they have never failed in there history. They are an elite group made up of the finest snipers in the world. Called to service from every country to the service of the united nations. They have eight men in this team. Only eight, never more never less. The men are known only to each other by code names. The men in the team don’t even know the names. This group is known as the “Goastriders” . given this name cause that’s all they leave.
They can be deployed anywhere. From Iranian deserts to Russian blizzards. They have and will be in the future. They have been known to take out political figures, and gorilla military leaders. But are most known for there destroying small villages of enemy insurgents. They always make a mark of a crushed skull.
This group works like this to take out a hostile village. They are first dropped out of a plane. During a high altitude flight. They drop to the ground, burry there equipment. Slowly work there way to the village. They will spend two days and nights figuring out the movement of forces and guards. Then at the right time split into 4 groups. Each group has a high powered 50cal. Sniper Rifle, also a smaller rifle. The larger rifle has a thermal scope for attacking the men inside buildings. The other for men outside.
The first shot is to take out the leader, after the original shot the teams make synchronized shots. These individual teams are 90 degrees from each other encircling the base. To ensure no one escapes and to hit them from all directions, so there is nowhere to hide. Leavening no one alive with just sniping. After this the team moves in one team at a time. Clearing the base even further.
Then only after this do the team paint the dreaded symbol. They leave and no one will know what happened until someone comes in to look. By this time the team has successfully moved out. There extraction is slow. They are required to move slowly stealthily across the line. This is whats required for them.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ready Set Go!!!!-

Well basketball came and went, and congrats to them. Now comes the track team. We are real short on people but we do have a returning star. Everyone knows the girl’s team won state last year with the leading efforts of Mariah Georgetown, that was last year. This being our stars last year all of us would appreciate the support. Our meets start in march so we will be looking for all our Bethany Lion Fans.