Monday, March 22, 2010


1. increase of activity at volcano
who; Fimmvorduhals
what; An increase in activity at the Fimmvorduhals volcano this morning has led to the no-fly zone in southern Iceland being widened.
when; now
where; Fimmvorduhals volcano
why; in crease of acivity

2. Swedish football club bans foreign languages
who; sweedish football club
where; sweeden
when' now
what;Swedish football club bans foreign languages
why;all players at the club converse only in Swedish

3. SXSW 2010 showcases Scandinavian music
who; texas
when;this year
where taxas
why; showcases Scandinavian music
what; around fifty different Scandinavian artists and musicians showcasing in front of countless music lovers and journalists

abc news go

1. hands off
who; oregon schools
when; now
what; oregon schools ban hugging
why; cause some students felt unconfertable

2.talaban tempt
what; russia tempts talaban
why;to end the war
where; russia
when; now

3.Working Hard or Hardly Working?
who; the work force
what;A string of new tech companies and online outlets is targeting the cubicle set with software and computer games that make it easier to goof off at work without getting caught.
when; now
where; in the office
why; they dont want to work

al jazeera

1. US: Israel faces difficult choices
what; Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has told America's pro-Israel lobby that the building of Israeli settlements is preventing peace with the Palestinians
why; increased tenshion
where; israil

2. Afghan group on 'Kabul mission'
who; afghan group
what;a plan for peace talks with the Afghan government
why;Earlier this month, the government said a number of Hezb-i-Islami fighters, who lead an insurgency separate from the Taliban
how; insugancy

3. Rising waters threaten Nile Delta
who;nile residants
what;the nile's extra is rising
where; nile
when; now
why; salt-water infiltrates the Delta's soil from below, and destroys the farming land.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

God Given Talent

God is good, his love endures forever. Some people have unbelievable talent. Just look at the Guinness book of world records, they have the fastest man alive or best at whatever. Michal Phelps is the undisputed fastest swimmer in the world, that’s crazy. Usain Bolt the fastest man in the world has broke his own record. He even makes it look easy. They are not Christians and they have changed the world of sports.
These people are amazing at those things but what are you good at? You can probably think of at least one thing your good at. Now good at and talented at are two different things. Good at is something you have to work extra hard to get. Like a sport, you have to work hard at it. Maybe your just talented, being able to do something without having to work so hard. It can be something as simple as righting poetry. I have no earthly desire to do that and no talent for that either. But some of you like it and have a talent for that.
Now use that for Gods glory and give him praise. Talent is God given, most people don’t realize that, they think that they deserve that. They don’t give God credit they go about using that talent. Now here’s the challenge, or maybe not a challenge more a question. Do you use the talents that you have for his glory or do you use it for your own means.
Yes, awesome then you probably can relate to this. You use you talent, and God blessed you or will in the future. The people who lean on him are usually more satisfied with whatever they do cause they love God, and most Christian people have decided that win or lose they will give God the glory.
Everyone doesn’t have that reassurance. They live for there own pleasure. The happiness of victory but they also have a huge “down” when they lose cause they have no reason to be happy cause they have no victory to reassure them. This is why some people strive for perfection, and that’s a good thing, but no ones perfect. When they fail there’s nothing to satisfy.
This column was suppose to help you see the real reason why you have a talent and hopefully you answered that you use it for his glory. But if you for fun its not bad but you need to commit that its for the Lord and do it all out. Thanks for reading.

Monday, March 15, 2010

abc news

1. Peter Graves, star of 'Mission Im
possible' and 'Airplane!' died Sunday at age 83.

2. Coroner: Haim Died of Pulmonary CongestionCoroner reveals Corey Haim had an enlarged heart, fluid in his lungs.

3. Research looks at what technology is doing to personal, romantic, professional relationships.

4. Would you be wary oftechnology that might tell a sales clerk what you are most likely to buy, even if you think you haven't made up your own mind?

5.NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has observed a mysterious X-shaped debris pattern (inset) and trailing streamers of dust that suggest a head-on collision between two asteroids. Astronomers have long believed objects in the asteroid belt sometimes hit each other, but they've never actually seen such a celestial smashup. (NASA)

bbc news

1. David Beckham's dream of playing in a fourth World Cup looks to be over after he tore his left Achilles tendon in AC Milan's 1-0 win over Chievo on Sunday.

2. An avalanche has struck a snowmobile gathering in Canada's Rocky Mountains, killing at least two people.

3. The US Defence Department may investigate one of its staff over claims he ran an unofficial spy ring in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

4. Governments need to crack down on illegal tiger trading if the big cats are to be saved, the UN has warned.

5. The cast of hit US show Glee are thrilled they have been invited to perform at the White House by Michelle Obama.