Monday, March 22, 2010


1. increase of activity at volcano
who; Fimmvorduhals
what; An increase in activity at the Fimmvorduhals volcano this morning has led to the no-fly zone in southern Iceland being widened.
when; now
where; Fimmvorduhals volcano
why; in crease of acivity

2. Swedish football club bans foreign languages
who; sweedish football club
where; sweeden
when' now
what;Swedish football club bans foreign languages
why;all players at the club converse only in Swedish

3. SXSW 2010 showcases Scandinavian music
who; texas
when;this year
where taxas
why; showcases Scandinavian music
what; around fifty different Scandinavian artists and musicians showcasing in front of countless music lovers and journalists

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