Wednesday, September 30, 2009

george muller

a Christian evangelist and Director of orphanages in Bristol, England. he was a clergy and he founded and cared for orphanages and did many evangelistic missions. he shaped his religion by his knowledje of the bible. thats all i have.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Space Camp @ NASA

well space camp you probably thought it was just for kids but its not. there are plenty parent child programs. ranging prices from adult weekends at $300 to adult, child pilot programs at $800. now the programs aren't just for play the camp also offers a program for astronaut students. these programs are "for Adults is as close as you'll get. Put your skills, abilities and talents to the test in training simulators and simulated missions" as NASA describes. these camps are located all over the country. the newest program has a spin on a old classic movie. star wars, they have space programs based on the the popular movie. these programs include pod racing, light speed, robotics, and engineering. so are you interested? it opens June 24.ONLY 150 TICKETS PER TIME SLOT ARE AVAILABLE SO ORDER QUICKLY. well thats all.
ps. Mrs Maloncoconk they have adult programs so you need to go.

Monday, September 28, 2009


well i couldn't get the demolition to work so i didnt get to play but i saw people play it. now im moving on

happy news

wow. that's assume. i mean they said its bigger find than the gold helmet. what in that little pile of gold to make it a huge find. they said that those men would be millionaires how crazy is that. i wish i could find some thing like that in my backyard or like you said in your Attic. now onestly how mutch would you like me to right about this. so I think im done.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

what;a game site
why;cause games are awesome
how; the power of the internet

this was defiantly better than all the rest

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


what;a spacial
why;i have no earthly clue

why;people like animals
what;a twitter for your animal
how;the Internet

what;An ongoing project devoted to discovering all the words and everything about them
how;the power of the Internet

Monday, September 21, 2009

new 50 ideas-3

  1. popular music

  2. favorite movies

  3. favorite bands

  4. favorite teachers

  5. ask people for ideas

  6. favorite day of the week

  7. ask about quest speakers

  8. about drama

  9. about computer

  10. about history

  11. about englas

  12. about kangaroos

  13. about the chapel skits

  14. about chapel

  15. favorite holidays

  16. movie reviews

  17. tv reviews

  18. a short story

  19. song reviews

  20. unusual popular pets

  21. coolest car at bcs

  22. favorite coach at bcs

  23. why we love bcs (written by a student)

  24. what's with the snuggies

  25. life at bcs

  26. sports we wish were here

  27. dream concerts

  28. favorite scriptures

  29. common miss spoken words

  30. ask people about newspaper stories

  31. song reviews

  32. interviews with the Principal

  33. interviews with the assistant Principal

  34. interview coach Castillo

  35. interview coach Bayham

  36. interview Mrs maloncon

  37. weird words and there definition

  38. robot battles

  39. robot competitions

  40. weird habits

  41. explosives and why we like them

  42. snap your fingers snap your neck

  43. favorite dance styles

  44. why we like the song "i like to move it move it"

  45. where do you get your music
  46. where douse Mrs meloncon get her blog assignments

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

boom box

what; a site about boom box site
why;cause boom boxes are coming back
how; the power of the Internet

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

huricane house

the game would teach kids what to have and not to have in a huricane
recomend, no not realy no


what;a test drive in a race car
why;cause its awesome

that looks so flippin sweet


what;the place to learn more about wildlife
why; help identifying what you have seen
how; the power of the Internet



well this was fun

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Somali pirates and Greek ships

who;Somali pirates and Greek ships
what;Somali pirates release Greek ship
where;Andrew Mwangura
why;the presser got to them
how;the drove home

Elton John's supposed adoption

who;Elton John's
what;Sir Elton John cannot adopt a 14-month-old boy
why;because he is not married and too old, a Ukrainian minister has said
how;whom he met while visiting an orphanage.

shoe thrower

who;Muntadar al-Zaidi
what;The Iraqi journalist who threw a pair of shoes at President Bush at a news conference in Baghdad
when; didnt say
why;"I'm not a hero," he said, "but when I saw the war criminal Bush, I wanted to show my resentment
how;well he got up and threw the shoes at the president

edheads (knee)

i found it smiler to the hip replacement. drill, screw, scrape..ahh.. sounds like a horror film. but i sayed every thing on the hip ones so. im done finally done. oh im sorry i sounded excited, well im really excited about it cause it was not fun. but im done!!!!!!!!!!


the weather was not fun. im sorry it was boring. just repetitive and uninteresting. the game was making the weather maps from blank slates so not fun. so thats my review of it. next is the last one ihave to do..yea.. i mean dang.

Monday, September 14, 2009

edheads (compound)

well that was , no afence, a wast of time. it taught me nothing. and was compleatly useless. dont get the wrong idea im not mad im just..well...sort of tired of stupid quizes that teach me nothing.

edheads (hip replacement)

alright I'm noticing a pattern. this one was "better" but i still dont get why?? alright so this one you replaced it instead of fixing it. it was not what i was expecting i thought this would be worse. but iv been wrong before. so not my type of game. hey heres an idea maybe you could let me bring my 360 and we play something interesting. that could work right.

edheads (hip)

AHHH. what do you have us doing Mrs. M. i mean some of us, that means me, dont like doing stuff like this. poping a persons hip out of socket and then cutting some off. were only high school students Mrs. M. and Mrs M. what will this help with??? but for the game, not the best one.

Friday, September 11, 2009

edheads (brian)

that was...ah...great, yeah lets go with that. it was not a job i would like. i would have no problem hurting people playing sports but not drilling screws into a head. its not that i cant take the blood or gore but the cutting on a person or like i sayed already screwing on her. and thats what i think. ttfn

Thursday, September 10, 2009

edheads (phone)

well the first one that i did was the phone well, old people with a cell phone was something else. the design process was a little hard we couldn't do much. there was no way to customise it beyond simple size and coler. it was interesting for a little but it became repetitive and aggravating. it moved slowly and like i sayed before there was little options for the phone. last thing, i don't regret finishing

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

my story

Find It by Wesley Morgan
Alright BCS this is how its going to work, I will hide a single lion (not another animal) around the high school and junior high. You the student would have to find him(not remove him).There will be a tag on the lion with a clue to the next part of the puzzle. The clues will eventually lead to the prize. The lion will be hidden every where from the office to the gym. The next clue will be hidden in different rooms on note cards. The trail of clues will be anywhere from 3-5 clues long. So have fun and go find them.


what;a zoology site for kids
when; none
why; kids like animals
how;the power of the Internet


who; yahookids
what; music+games
why;cause everyone likes games
how;the power of the Internet


who; horse riding
what; a game for horse loving people
where; online
why; idk, i guess for people who like horses
when; none
how; the power of the Internet


why;cause i like pic's
what;a pic. book
how;the power of the Internet


what;a website where u can build city's out of basic shapes
why;cause that's a sweet idea
how;the power of the Internet


what; a site with games for kids
why; cause games are fun
how; the power of the Internet

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


1.I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me
2.Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now
3.I couldn't quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but eventually it came back to me
4.A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.
5.What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing - but it let out a little whine.
6.When William joined the army he disliked the phrase 'fire at will'.
7.He had a photographic memory that was never developed.
8.Those who throw dirt are sure to lose ground.
9.There was once a cross-eyed teacher who couldn't control his pupils
10.Two peanuts were walking in a tough neighborhood and one of them was a-salted.


where; online
when; none
why; ????
what; a kid website for information
how; the power of the Internet


who; PBS kids
what; a site for kids to watch the episodes and play games
when; none
where; online
why; cause
how; the power of the Internet
who; kids gov.
what; a site on interesting history
where; online
why;cause no one likes history
how;the power of the Internet

10 sites

who;national geographic for kids
when; none
where; online
what; a site for kid activities and games
why; cause its fun
how; the power of the Internet