Monday, September 21, 2009

new 50 ideas-3

  1. popular music

  2. favorite movies

  3. favorite bands

  4. favorite teachers

  5. ask people for ideas

  6. favorite day of the week

  7. ask about quest speakers

  8. about drama

  9. about computer

  10. about history

  11. about englas

  12. about kangaroos

  13. about the chapel skits

  14. about chapel

  15. favorite holidays

  16. movie reviews

  17. tv reviews

  18. a short story

  19. song reviews

  20. unusual popular pets

  21. coolest car at bcs

  22. favorite coach at bcs

  23. why we love bcs (written by a student)

  24. what's with the snuggies

  25. life at bcs

  26. sports we wish were here

  27. dream concerts

  28. favorite scriptures

  29. common miss spoken words

  30. ask people about newspaper stories

  31. song reviews

  32. interviews with the Principal

  33. interviews with the assistant Principal

  34. interview coach Castillo

  35. interview coach Bayham

  36. interview Mrs maloncon

  37. weird words and there definition

  38. robot battles

  39. robot competitions

  40. weird habits

  41. explosives and why we like them

  42. snap your fingers snap your neck

  43. favorite dance styles

  44. why we like the song "i like to move it move it"

  45. where do you get your music
  46. where douse Mrs meloncon get her blog assignments

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