Thursday, October 1, 2009


well ive already worked on it so thats why it looks so big
New sports story
The best parts of life are spent with friends. We all agree with that. One thing that we do with friends are sports. Sports the four main sports are football ,soccer, baseball ,and basketball. These sports teach us about life lessons. They teach us teamwork, personal endurance, responsibility, respect/sportsmanship, leadership, and even attention to detail. These 6 things are all marks of good players.
Teamwork, being a part of a team and learning how to working together. Covering each others weaknesses and using each others strengths. Even if you don’t like the person you will still have to work with them to accomplish a conmen goal. “all for one and one for all” three musketeers.
Responsibility, knowing your part in a game and doing your part. Completing the task in front of you. Like in baseball guarding the base or point guard and actually making the shots. The roles of the team go on and on but if your on a team you deserve to give your team the best you have.
Personal endurance, giving all you have. Being able to play all the way up to the 90th minute, but still being able to play your hardest. I’m not just talkin physical endurance. Mental endurance too playing and using your head to make decisions. Even if your tired. A wise man said once “do or do not, there is no try” that man was yoda and he new what he was talkin about.
Respect/sportsmanship, when the other team makes a point still have the respect to congratulate them on the point. being able to accept defeat when they did play better than you did, but not give up. Push on to be better and then beat them the next time you play them. So "May the Force be with you"
Leadership, being able give direction or guidance to your team. Making decisions and then sticking to it. Take your team and lead by example the way you want the team to act, because that’s how leadership works if you haven’t found out yet, You also have to be the one who sees how you can win against unsurpassable odds cause that’s what a leader douse. “He or she not only bleeds for the team but bleeds into them” an excerpt from
Now this last one is a killer, I know I struggle with this too, its attention to detail. This is looking for double plays, open lanes and a wide open receiver . You notice the little things. This is a characteristic of a good player. If you love the sport you play you will eventually start noticing little details how the players body langue can tell you a lot of what he will do or what he’s thinking. You know if you do this you are dedicated and “Dedication is pushing harder when you don’t have anything left” Wesley Morgan
These points may not be why you play the sports you do but without noticing you will learn these 6 things. At the end of the day sports are fun but the things you can learn are so influential on who you are. I didn’t right this in attempt to point out things you should do, it douse accomplish that though, but to make you think about why you play sports.
By Wesley Morgan

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