Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Old school
This Idea came up during a party at a friends we were playing a game with high definition sound and picture. And our old original play station came to mind. With its pristine looks and high sound quality or that’s what we thought. Me and my brothers played it until it broke. It was the coolest thing while we had it. Years later I got a Xbox original and that had awesome graphics. I thought how much better could it get. Then the play station 3 and Xbox 360 came out.
Oh yeah the games came along with them. Like the original Mario, like the original, he use to have maybe 4 commands now his latest game he’s got tons. Personally the original Mario was the best. Even thou Mario brawl and melee were terrific. Also the racing games have come on a lot too. Like on our play station we had like the first. Gran Turismo was as we thought the best game ever not so as I know now that its not sorry.
So now do you want to play your old games? I do. This story was a lot of fun to write cause it brought back good memories of me and my brothers. Now I have friends come over and we play. But now Xbox live and online pulls people away from each other. I miss the comradely of playing with people and interacting with people not people over the internet.
So warm up your Nintendo 64, and play station and go game. I’ll be waiting at my house if anyone still wants to have a battle on the 64. I’ll be waiting.

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