Thursday, May 20, 2010

what am i doing?

im doing stuff. i'll be working here at the church. and hanging out with my best friend before he goes to the air force. im actually really sad. not that he's leaving but i won't have any contact with him for 6 months. and helping a little with my boy scout troop. and that preaty much defines my life

If I were editor?

If I were editor? Nice. Well as far as tips go, keep your motivation, the blog’s may last for the night but joy comes in the morning, sometimes. Do your research, don’t be a Stephan Glass. Make it fun, laugh and cut up. It helps the atmosphere. These are my tips now let me explain.
(spoiler alert) Blog’s, so much joy involved with that word. The countless hours of endless joy you will have with these NBD’s. Now seriously they teach you how to write and write well. They put you in a position close to what we do in this class which is write the paper.
The motivation you had coming into this class, if you had any, you need to keep it. Be excited to write something that people read and are affected by weather they admit it or not. Its read by teachers parents students, including the elementary. They love it all.
Research is so important, the reference to Stephan Glass you’ll get when Mrs. Meloncon shows you that movie. It keeps you accountable, so people can double check your work. It also adds a solid background for what your saying. it’s a good idea take my word on it.
If I were editor? I really don’t know. “no one likes to be the man that follows the man”, its sort of where I am. Nathan was an awesome editor, I would be proud just follow his lead. So for me I will keep it rolling. He started something and I would love to keep it going.
Thank you for a good year everyone, wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Maybe

1. Building a mini greenhouse in your garden is an inexpensive, easy, low-tech way to start gardening earlier in spring and to extend the gardening season well into fall. This greenhouse uses a hoop house design and it can be covered with plastic, row cover material or shade cloth, making it a versatile and useful addition to the garden. The greenhouse takes under an hour to construct and uses materials that you can find in any hardware store.

2.Buying a hard drive involves considering whether it should be an internal or external hard drive, figuring out what the computer will support and researching many manufacturers to find the right one. Choose the right hard drive, either to replace an old one or to provide extra memory space, with information from an experienced software developer in this free video on computers.

3.Recovering hard drive data can be a difficult and complex task. Learn about different options for recovering data from a hard drive including software programs and companies that specialize in recovering data with these tips from an experienced computer user in this free video on computer hardware.

4. One of the most annoying things to encounter when cooking is a blunt knife, and this becomes very evident when you try to slice a tomato or dice an onion. A sharp knife is a chef's best friend and therefore it's helpful if you know how to sharpen kitchen knives.
Home sharpening methods include using a sharpening steel, drawing knives across a flat sharpening stone, or using a commercial knife sharpener

5. how to sing well It's. you warm up your voice before any type of vocal session or performance! Just as an athlete would warm up before a big game, you must warm up before you use your vocal cords. A lot of vocal injuries are caused by singers not taking the proper time to warm up. Don't cause strain on your vocal cords by trying to hit those high notes without a full vocal warm up exercise

6. Although big league history changes with the calendar and waits until next year, baseball video gaming is never out of season. In order to give your playing a sense of purpose beyond recreation, never lose sight of the fact that any kind of game play counts whether it's for casual fun or serious competition. This frame of mind will help lend legitimacy to your experience as you trade the pro ranks of real life for armchair athletic fields of dreams on your PC or console.

7. the best video game. Consider first what you enjoy doing for fun when thinking of your video game to choose. Each game appeals to a different audience and you may be able to determine what you would like based on what you normally like to do for fun.

8. Figuring out if a girl likes you requires paying attention to her behavior, her words and her body language. You'll need to notice how she acts toward you compared with how she acts around everyone else. (yes its lagit

9. talking to girls. Simply go up and say hi. This sounds easy but sometimes it is hard to do. Casually noticing her and saying hi is the right way to start. they preaty much take it from there

10. In a high stakes game, with two equally talented teams vying for the victory, motivation may be the deciding factor. Athletes and their coaches employ a variety of motivational techniques in order to achieve optimum performance during competition, and much research in the field of sports psychology is dedicated to uncovering the secrets of motivation.

im about to do

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ode to all of you

This is an ode to you Sarah. I enjoyed working with you, I didn’t even know you before this class but now I feel I know you very well. I know you’ve heard it time and time again but, you made it your graduating and that’s a major accomplishment. Good luck to you as your off to college or wherever God calls you.
This is an ode to you Tina, or as your known to some as Bonita Tina. Now I know your not “in” our class but you brought a lot of laughter and brightness ever since you walked into the class room that first day. I hope you move on to something you enjoy or better yet something ordained by God. Keep on brightening the world with that bright smile of yours.
This is an ode to you Nathan. Being the leader you were in journalism you affected more then just me. you brought more then comedy and leadership you taught me about righting. I would read you letter and wish I could right like that. In a way you did, I learned I should right like I talk, just like you. Well good luck in the world.
This is an ode to you Chase. Now the first thing that sticks out to me about is your personality, loud and bold. Many times you had us laughing, and those are the memories I will cherish from this class, yes the blogs were hard but it made it worth coming to class. So to you Chase have fun out there in the world.
This is an ode to you Lakeisha. I’m gona miss you sittin in front of me. Its gona be hard getting use to not having no seniors case already it fells empty. Especially since there is only 2 other people in the section of seats. But I’ll live its just gona be so hard to. I know you told us about a heart song and now I encourage you to follow yours.
this is an ode to you Bria. Well I’m sorry I don’t have and deep something to tell you cause quite frankly I didn’t really get to know you. In light of that you still were a senior in the class and by default you became a leader of the class. You encouraged us to keep going. that’s the word I have for you keep goin.
this is an ode to you Chelsey. Let me start of right, 4th hour. And that’s where I first met you. Now I don’t know you well but I still enjoyed you being here so that I wasn’t the only 4th hour Person. I can tell when some one is called and its true for you never drought it.