Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ode to all of you

This is an ode to you Sarah. I enjoyed working with you, I didn’t even know you before this class but now I feel I know you very well. I know you’ve heard it time and time again but, you made it your graduating and that’s a major accomplishment. Good luck to you as your off to college or wherever God calls you.
This is an ode to you Tina, or as your known to some as Bonita Tina. Now I know your not “in” our class but you brought a lot of laughter and brightness ever since you walked into the class room that first day. I hope you move on to something you enjoy or better yet something ordained by God. Keep on brightening the world with that bright smile of yours.
This is an ode to you Nathan. Being the leader you were in journalism you affected more then just me. you brought more then comedy and leadership you taught me about righting. I would read you letter and wish I could right like that. In a way you did, I learned I should right like I talk, just like you. Well good luck in the world.
This is an ode to you Chase. Now the first thing that sticks out to me about is your personality, loud and bold. Many times you had us laughing, and those are the memories I will cherish from this class, yes the blogs were hard but it made it worth coming to class. So to you Chase have fun out there in the world.
This is an ode to you Lakeisha. I’m gona miss you sittin in front of me. Its gona be hard getting use to not having no seniors case already it fells empty. Especially since there is only 2 other people in the section of seats. But I’ll live its just gona be so hard to. I know you told us about a heart song and now I encourage you to follow yours.
this is an ode to you Bria. Well I’m sorry I don’t have and deep something to tell you cause quite frankly I didn’t really get to know you. In light of that you still were a senior in the class and by default you became a leader of the class. You encouraged us to keep going. that’s the word I have for you keep goin.
this is an ode to you Chelsey. Let me start of right, 4th hour. And that’s where I first met you. Now I don’t know you well but I still enjoyed you being here so that I wasn’t the only 4th hour Person. I can tell when some one is called and its true for you never drought it.

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