Thursday, May 20, 2010

If I were editor?

If I were editor? Nice. Well as far as tips go, keep your motivation, the blog’s may last for the night but joy comes in the morning, sometimes. Do your research, don’t be a Stephan Glass. Make it fun, laugh and cut up. It helps the atmosphere. These are my tips now let me explain.
(spoiler alert) Blog’s, so much joy involved with that word. The countless hours of endless joy you will have with these NBD’s. Now seriously they teach you how to write and write well. They put you in a position close to what we do in this class which is write the paper.
The motivation you had coming into this class, if you had any, you need to keep it. Be excited to write something that people read and are affected by weather they admit it or not. Its read by teachers parents students, including the elementary. They love it all.
Research is so important, the reference to Stephan Glass you’ll get when Mrs. Meloncon shows you that movie. It keeps you accountable, so people can double check your work. It also adds a solid background for what your saying. it’s a good idea take my word on it.
If I were editor? I really don’t know. “no one likes to be the man that follows the man”, its sort of where I am. Nathan was an awesome editor, I would be proud just follow his lead. So for me I will keep it rolling. He started something and I would love to keep it going.
Thank you for a good year everyone, wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Maybe

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