Friday, January 29, 2010


Congratulations for the united nations. They have stepped up and delivered millions of dollars to Hattie. Not just money but food and countless other supplies. But not just united nations but red cross, Sumerians purse, and countless other charities around the world have come to help. They have thousands of people on the ground. Millions of dollars to back them. Congratulations.
This country has no building codes. They can build a building anywhere and anyway. This lead to cluttered mounds of concrete that they call homes and when the earthquake hit it tore those houses down like paper. Also some pictures that you see arent from the earthquake. They are from the buildings already not holding up. Those are the conditions they already live in.
Last week we had a doctor that our church supports, he is in Hattie, talked to us via a satellite phone. His message was to pray. These people are living in terrible conditions and that the injuries are catastrophic. At the end of the phone call he had to go because an ambulance was coming. They are still receiving people at there hospital. It is utter turmoil there.
On top of all the turmoil they are a voo-doo nation. They have elected to the top of there lives.the bonds are breaking. Missionaries are coming in sharing the gospel with thousands. With there physical relief comes spiritual release, from bondage and oppression. They are open to it now. When before it wasn’t.
What can we do? Well we can donate money to the countless originations. We can volunteer, weather it be going to the country itself or helping load trucks full of supply’s. There are lots of things we can do. Cause we are the most blessed country in the world.
The estimates of the repair to this island are predicted to be near ten years. To rebuild this city/country. It will be long after that to rebuild lives and anything else that came down in those seconds of the earthquake. It will never be “the way it was” cause there’s no going back.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

the intrnational storys

1. haitie
who; the haitien people
what; a earthquake in haite (a 7.0 earthquake)
when;jan 20
why; earthquakes happen when plates in the earths crust shift
where; haitie
how;earthquakes happen when plates in the earths crust shift

2. Somalia
when;month of jan
why;Somalia fighting
what;Al-Shabaab and Hisb-ul-Islam militias are in a blood fude
how; fighting

3. world cup
who;millions of fans and players of the sport of soccer
when; the 2010 cup
why;cause soccer is awesome
where;world wide competishion
what;national teams playing

4. california mud slides
when;jan 18
what; rains and high winds causing mud slides
how; lots of rain

5. no more bible
who;american soldiers
when;afective now
why;its seen as a criastian crusaders
where; all US soldiers
what;there once was bible verses on the sights of US rifels but they have been removed
how; gov. order

6. Android Phones Close in on iPhone
who;anyone who uses or is afected by smartphones. aka everyone


sing a new song

Flyleaf, breaking Benjamin, 12 stones, Halk Nelson, Skillet, lacrea, and Red. These are some of my favorite artists. They are all play awesome music. They have similar styles but all different in a way too. Some of artists have been around for some time, others not so long. These in particular play a style of music sometimes called “head banger” music. Rock or even punk music. Through it all these artists are Christian. OMG
Flyleaf and Breaking Benjamin these are very similar they play music. Called metal music. I like it cause its adrenaline pumping, head bobbing, and ear busting sweet. They make you want to jump up and shout. But while your jumping and shouting your hearing a message, like when I went to rock the river. Flyleaf played a song that I knew and started singing it. In mid song I realized that usually when we sing that song it’s a worship song. They can do stuff like that.
In the bible God said “sing unto me a new song” I think he meant it. So that’s what these artists are doing. Instead of playing the same ones over and over they are making new music. They keep the Christian values, but they sound different. Like the artist Larry Norman (who was the first Christian rock artist) said “I don’t like none of those funeral marches, I aint dead yet” that is what some artist are saying.
Lacrea, omg this artist considered by some to be a secular artist. Well actually this man is a awesome Christian. If you listen to his music there will be no drought if he’s saved or not. The only drought that some people have is that he’s a rapper. Yea some people say that if you play music like that you cant be saved. Lacrea says in one of his songs that Jesus is the reason that hes breathing. Or even he’s been on mission trips.
Some of the lines for you to judge for yourself. “you might like rap that’s loud and reckless a soap box for the loud and restless head bobbin to you loose ya necklace or better yet bobbin to they leave you neck less” -Lacrea. “they didn’t love there life so mutch as to shrink from death, inspired in there footsteps we will march ahead, don’t be shocked that people die be surprised your still alive” -Flyleaf. “if you want to live life loud through your hands up if you want to scream and shout let me hear you taken all the fakers out if your with me every body liven just keep liven” - Halk Nelson.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

me in pic's

the best uteach

1. chase and how to play a ukulele
this was interesting to me cause i actully might look into playing one. he showed us that its a pickup and play instrament but also it has some deapth. the gitar has intrested me but its a hoby i dont have time for. these things like eagle, school, track, ect makes it hard to take up anything else. but having a simple instrament would be terific.
2. bonsai by "papa" Tim
was exelent. really interesting and had lots of information of how to do it and who douse it. it all together was really good. to tie you shoe by jasmine
i actully liked it cause she was like a teacher. she was a little "mrs" if you know what i mean. her power point was VERY detailed. if i did something like that i would have a whole 3 slides. and not just words but meaningful words. so two thumbs up.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

high school newspapers

1. the hilight is at st. caramel they have a website and a big school too. they up date to twitter, facebook ect.
2.silyman high put a out a paper every other week they do everything to movie revews to sports
3. Catholic high douse one. they make a website to go with it with current updates for there many students
4. central's is called the baerly published
5. also LSU, yes its a college but, they have a high school section.
Friday, October 16, 2009
the high school vidios
4th hour
well the first one is 4th hours video. it was awesome to make. the thing was we made it off the top of our heads. we took one whole afternoon and filmed it laughing the whole time. these people we had a rivalry with made a video too. ant that will be the next one.

oh my gosh. this was,,,something spacial the video was, interesting but some scenes were horrible just nasty i don't recommend this video.since them made fun of the KKK it really wasn't that good. and i dint have much else to say except that i don't recommend this video.

this one was better they only was a little weird. okay when i say weird i mean stupid. and all i got out of it was the history behind how snowboards are shaped and bananas. like i said weird. oh and can anyone tell me why the kid was in the tree.

this was a weather project. or maybe they were just goofin' i don't know. then random people laying on the floor and some random lady walkin' through. alright now they make no sense but i think that they were acing like a hurricane warning, er something.

last one finally, oh they thought this was best but not at all. the best parts was like the eqivelent to our worst parts. to be contiued

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

the other is pics so you can just look
5 things
1. teamwork well its working together and agreeing or working to that conclusion
2. we had to be creative unbalivable creative
3. we had to be ready for it whenever it came
4. being able to speak and not crumble
5. working together to get there and we need to comunicate
5 things about teamwork- it really showed me and made me think of i really think of leadership. i thought of leadership in one way before cause i was never forced to wright them. it made me think yes that is something or not something i would like in a leader or what i would like to be.

80’s pics- they made me laugh cause some of them look crazy. like hairdos that need a weedeater to fix. they think they look so cool. but thats the thing i guess we think were so cool, but in a few years style will change. and well will be on the Internet lookin so "cool", and like we do they will point and laugh.

High school videos- especially ours, they make me eather laugh or show me what others do. we got some ideas from them and did an English video. we made them laugh until some people were on the floor and we enjoyed every second of it.