Tuesday, January 19, 2010

the best uteach

1. chase and how to play a ukulele
this was interesting to me cause i actully might look into playing one. he showed us that its a pickup and play instrament but also it has some deapth. the gitar has intrested me but its a hoby i dont have time for. these things like eagle, school, track, ect makes it hard to take up anything else. but having a simple instrament would be terific.
2. bonsai by "papa" Tim
was exelent. really interesting and had lots of information of how to do it and who douse it. it all together was really good.
3.how to tie you shoe by jasmine
i actully liked it cause she was like a teacher. she was a little "mrs" if you know what i mean. her power point was VERY detailed. if i did something like that i would have a whole 3 slides. and not just words but meaningful words. so two thumbs up.

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