Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Friday, October 16, 2009
the high school vidios
4th hour
well the first one is 4th hours video. it was awesome to make. the thing was we made it off the top of our heads. we took one whole afternoon and filmed it laughing the whole time. these people we had a rivalry with made a video too. ant that will be the next one.

oh my gosh. this was,,,something spacial the video was, interesting but some scenes were horrible just nasty i don't recommend this video.since them made fun of the KKK it really wasn't that good. and i dint have much else to say except that i don't recommend this video.

this one was better they only was a little weird. okay when i say weird i mean stupid. and all i got out of it was the history behind how snowboards are shaped and bananas. like i said weird. oh and can anyone tell me why the kid was in the tree.

this was a weather project. or maybe they were just goofin' i don't know. then random people laying on the floor and some random lady walkin' through. alright now they make no sense but i think that they were acing like a hurricane warning, er something.

last one finally, oh they thought this was best but not at all. the best parts was like the eqivelent to our worst parts. to be contiued

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