Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brandon T

This was one of my best friends when I first came to Bethany. I already sort of knew him from church. But I really got to know him a lot better. He’s turned out to be a awesome friend and man of God. He’s encouraged me and helped with whatever I needed.
I said he was a man of God and this will take a whole paragraph to tell. We’ve spent hours in warfare together either at church or just in his room. Its said that when your in battle with someone you know them better. Well speaking from experience its true. He challenges me to be better spiritually and/or physically. I could go on and on but that was 5 sentences, I know yall understand.
He’s done lots of different activities with me or him with me however you like it. He use to run track with us before he got hurt, pity, He was good. Then we love video games(can I get an amen) particularly Halo. A good memory of playin video games with him is when we got the game burnout. Oh my gosh that was so fun. It rewards you for blowing up cars and the amount of damage you do in a car. We had lots of fun, defiantly a guy game.
"If you can't kill a big deer, kill 2 little ones" Uncle Butch. That summons up Brandon’s life besides God. He goes up to a hunting camp down the road from me. Becomes a country red-neck and he shots whatever moves. that’s what he douse for his weekends during hunting season. Then on Monday wakes up washes his red-neck look off, but somehow misses his speech. He still talks country I’m gona guess that doesn’t come out.
All this together makes a friend that I’m proud to have. Now I’m not a girl I wont start crying or anything, and don’t take it weird but “I love you man” with as much sincerity as I can. You’ve been a good friend. That sounds like a farewell letter but I’ll see you next hour.

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