Tuesday, December 15, 2009


well this is a story of a boy who. well im not sure what to say. cause i didnt come to school on the creative righting day. had to take some national terrorist out. i came to school with a alias, as shadow fox. the people at my school were ether to intimidated or stupid to realise that that wasnt my name. andif i did tell you, well i would have to kill you.
my home and family are in safe custody cause i go out on secret missions or to hide from the way i dance, but seriously now i cant be making jokes. if i did it would probably be to lethal for you. Anyway about me. I belong to a high end society called “fourth hour” these members include people like thedeerslayer, nightmare, yomama and bct. These of course are code names for the protection of them.
We are now the most feared and most loved by all the clubs. We in this society love fun and good times. These are quality’s of a good group. Our videos make all cringe. For only one reason they are laughing. We take time out of the day to just straight laugh. Cause that’s how awesome.
If we sound crazy we might have to kill you. Just kidding. But seriously we make people laugh. We make people die. We show what’s its meant to die laughing. Just check it out well waight you cant cause your not fourth hour.

Monday, December 7, 2009

my short story

In a town not so far away there was a high school. The school wasn’t to big about 50 kids per grade. Everyone in this school knew each other sort of like BCS. This school was one that everyone liked it. The teachers love there job and the students were as happy they could being in school, everyone was happy except one. His name was Mathew, this student was a new foreign transfer student. He was a nice kid he worked and got good grades. He was polite and never got into trouble. But inside this kid was tormented inside. His parents sent him off to a strange country, with no real people to look after him. He stayed with his grandparents who didn’t really seem to know he existed. He worked his own job to support himself. He paid for his books and car and all the things he would need.
One day the janitor was working late, on a day that no one should be working, Christmas. He came to a room with the light on. He thought that it was strange. When he looked in he saw Mathew. “Sort of late for a student to be finishing up school” he said. “Sorry Mr. Jones” said Mathew
“no problem, just curios though what are you doing” asked Mr. Jones.
“just thinking” answered Mathew. As Mr. Jones drew closer he noticed a M9 in his hand ,a small gun. He took a few cautious steps closer. “Mr. Jones can I ask you a question?”
“yes what’s on your mind Mathew” as he pulled a chair up.
“do you ever feel like giving up?” Mathew asked.
“well, that’s a good question Mathew, well first let me ask you why this is on your mind” eyeing the gun in his hand.
“well I have to work for my schooling and my step parents don’t really care about what I do so it makes everything so hard”
“even during Christmas?” asked Mr. Jones
“yeah its not worth it”
“so do you know the reason for the season”
“ no why, this has no relevance to this”
“well if you knew what it meant then it would make a difference”
“so what’s your point?”
“well God sent his son Jesus to die for you”
“wait why would God care about me”
“that’s the beauty of it, you and me we don’t deserve it. He sent jesus for us while we were jet sinners”
“so God sent Jesus here. To earth died for me”
“yes he did and all you have to do is accept him and let him be your lord”
“well I do want him”
“let me pray with you and accept him”
They bow there heads and Mr. Jones leads him to the lord

Friday, December 4, 2009

In a town not so far away there was a high school. The school wasn’t to big about 50 kids per grade. Everyone in this school knew each other sort of like BCS. This school was one that everyone liked it. The teachers love there job and the students were as happy they could being in school, everyone was happy except one. His name was Mathew, this student was a new foreign transfer student. He was a nice kid he worked and got good grades. He was polite and never got into trouble. But inside this kid was tormented inside. His parents sent him off to a strange country, with no real people to look after him. He stayed with his grandparents who didn’t really seem to know he existed. He worked his own job to support himself. He paid for his books and car and all the things he would need.
One day the janitor was working late, on a day that no one should be working, Christmas. He came to a room with the light on. He thought that it was strange. When he looked in he saw Mathew. “Sort of late for a student to be finishing up school” he said. “Sorry Mr. Jones” said Mathew
“no problem, just curios though what are you doing” asked Mr. Jones.
“just thinking” answered Mathew. As Mr. Jones drew closer he noticed a M9 in his hand ,a small gun. He took a few cautious steps closer. “Mr. Jones can I ask you a question?”
“yes what’s on your mind Mathew” as he pulled a chair up.
“do you ever feel like giving up?” Mathew asked.
“well, that’s a good question Mathew, well first let me ask you why this is on your mind” eyeing the gun in his hand.
“well I have to work for my schooling and my step parents don’t really care about what I do so it makes everything so hard”
“even during Christmas?” asked Mr. Jones
“yeah its not worth it”
“so do you know the reason for the season”
“ no why, this has no relevance to this”
“well if you knew what it meant then it would make a difference”
“so what’s your point?”
“well God sent his son Jesus to die for you”
“wait why would God care about me”
“that’s the beauty of it, you and me we don’t deserve it. He sent jesus for us while we were jet sinners”
“so God sent Jesus here. To earth died for me and
Origin of the coin

You probably have one of these in you pocket or in your purse. They’ve ancestors have been here since 650B.C. there something we use everyday. They are coins. They had a rough start in this country, they had so many currencies. Each state had a currency some shipping companies had there own currencies. In 1792 congress passed the first coinage act, making gold and silver coins

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Well so far its not to bad. We don’t have national health care. We still have a little respect. This is where we might be(pics) it was really easy to find cause these people are really worried. Not me, cause my help comes from beyond the hills

Well so far its not to bad. We don’t have national health care. We still have a little respect. This is where we might be(pics) it was really easy to find cause these people are really worried. Not me, cause my help comes from beyond the hills

We have a eventful past. We were made by a powerful nation, when we were treated badly by them they revolted. Against the most powerful nation and won. We have a history that makes all other countries jealous. Our country is now the greatest country out of all. Im not afraid to say that cause the way to tell is that if more people want in then out.
Our people in our past range from Abraham Lincoln one of our best president. Thomas Edison and ford were in a tie for the best inventor. War is a reoccurring theme for america too. These events are all shaping what we are now even they are in the past.

Friday, November 20, 2009

5 things

1. teamwork well its working together and agreeing or working to that conclusion
2. we had to be creative unbalivable creative
3. we had to be ready for it whenever it came
4. being able to speak and not crumble
5. working together to get there and we need to comunicate


The president, he’s been called “the most powerful man in the world“. during his campaign there was lots of controversy around was he a legit citizen. Most of that was cleared when they showed that both(2) of the local papers in his area showed that he was born when and where he said he was. Seems to me that controversy and conspiracy surrounds him.
He was born in Hawaii as barak musain oboma. His middle name was a big deal cause it was the same as America’s number one man on the most wanted list. His father is half Muslim, he(oboma) currently attends the church in Washington D.C. his pastor there made some anti-American statements. Saying God d--m America in church and previously oboma said that this man was his mentor.
His campaign to ultimately win the presidency was a long and well fought battle for him and his running mate Biden. They fought against McCain and Nancy Policy the republican party canadates. His slogan and strategy was “Change”, to change the way we do things, and he did putting a national stimulus into play. Trying to eliminate Americas outstanding dept.
Like most presidents he is facing some controversy with the press and the people. Since the presidency of Adams(our second president) there was always people disagreeing with the president. Its unavoidable people will always do that.
This man is a very talented speaker, he is very good with his words. And some people say that is the sole reason he made it. He promised lots of things, like he would bring home the troops but there still over there and he hasn’t announced a plan to bring them home. He made a brilliant run and he is now “the most powerful man in the world”

Monday, November 16, 2009

Star Wars Trumpet Solo"

no i think it was no good, and she dances too. that was awful. but hers the link search star wars solo. ha there it is

Friday, October 30, 2009

pics of the 80's


  1. and ill form the head
  2. a-duh
  3. aces
  4. afternoon everyone
  5. what a rush
  6. alf
  7. alvin
  8. are you threating me
  9. back off st. oafe
  10. berry

10 more ehows

  1. how to register for upgrades
  2. how to deleat a file on a mac
  3. how to add text and arrows to documents
  4. how to blend pic.
  5. how to sculpt a sexy curv
  6. how to play indoor soccer
  7. how to make more mussle
  8. how to do slides on a gitar
  9. how to wright pro lyrics
  10. how to make cheap gifts

Thursday, October 29, 2009

  1. how to gause a wall
  2. how to find better music
  3. how to seal a wound
  4. how to boil an egg
  5. how to memorise a script
  6. how to put dvd's on your ipod
  7. how to losse 2 lbs in two weeks
  8. how to join a fitness club
  9. how to make an unbelievable workout
  10. see if your daughter is pregnant

ask her


a sight that tells us how to do things, and you can post things you know how to do.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


i really don't like Oprah now. she cant believe it and the house is awesome. she cept saying that "that's all". i guess that she wants the most massive house. and cant stand the little house. so i don't really want keep righting so I'm going on to my next one.
the house is beautiful i mean there simply georgus they are gracious and flowing. there way of life is way different but that's expected then they went into food and it looked Delicious. amen so that's my project.

Monday, October 26, 2009


The game that started it all. Pac-man was the first video game released ever to the general public. The game has made lots of progress. Like the original was a 2d game, now it has state of the art graphics and game play. It all started with Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde and of course pac-man these are the cast of pac-man. “Most famous arcade game” says ansers.com.
This was a ground breaking game cause it appealed not only to sport or action games but to the masses(ansers.com). “Pac-Man is often credited with being a landmark in video game history”. it was and possibly still is one of the highest sold game. Its ansesters were limited to huge crates the size of your frigerater. But now there on every console including wii.
“the player controls Pac-Man through a maze, eating pac-dots. When all dots are eaten, Pac-Man is taken to the next stage“. this is simple and repetitive but millions of copies have been sold. And is a classic, I don’t think there’s anyone in the US has never played the game. If not shame on you cause it a classic

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

two times media went to mutch

1. well take Michal Phelps he was a superstar he won 8 gold metals and hes a terrific athlete but got to much coverage. then he cracked and went and smoked something funny and got in big trouble, like honestly he gets no coverage now cause they put him into recession.
2. or consider Vick he was convicted of something that sadly happens a lot and he got so much coverage. like if someone else was/is convicted of that you probably wouldn't even hear about them getting convicted. and didn't the humain society come out on him but not any other one who was there.


1.They are mentioned and explained as self evident.
2.The gov is suppose to keep us in the “loop” about isues. The people’s responsibilities would be to keep Pease and obey laws.
3.The values should be protected, cause that what made us who we are
4.Life liberty and the parasite of happiness
5. There rights are to distribute the news

Friday, October 16, 2009

the high school vidios

4th hour
well the first one is 4th hours video. it was awesome to make. the thing was we made it off the top of our heads. we took one whole afternoon and filmed it laughing the whole time. these people we had a rivalry with made a video too. ant that will be the next one.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L00rrmCszvk

oh my gosh. this was,,,something spacial the video was, interesting but some scenes were horrible just nasty i don't recommend this video.since them made fun of the KKK it really wasn't that good. and i dint have much else to say except that i don't recommend this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLG7NRnvGNk

this one was better they only was a little weird. okay when i say weird i mean stupid. and all i got out of it was the history behind how snowboards are shaped and bananas. like i said weird. oh and can anyone tell me why the kid was in the tree. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P644xGlndbo

this was a weather project. or maybe they were just goofin' i don't know. then random people laying on the floor and some random lady walkin' through. alright now they make no sense but i think that they were acing like a hurricane warning, er something. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBbyHeEgAHc&feature=related

last one finally, oh they thought this was best but not at all. the best parts was like the eqivelent to our worst parts. to be contiued

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

white boy

theres a white boy rappen
stop ya laughn'
I'm a cracker but you a slacka
now im rappen
ya see whats hapen'n
and thats it

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009


well i went with my family after a CC meet. the trip was not a whole lot of fun cause the music section was horrible but the sci-fi. section was flipping assume. they Had my favorite series the halo series. the day for me was a terrific day including the game cause I'm a Florida fan. and that's my summery

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


im actully quite glad but sad too. cause im not doing the find it colum


Old school
This Idea came up during a party at a friends we were playing a game with high definition sound and picture. And our old original play station came to mind. With its pristine looks and high sound quality or that’s what we thought. Me and my brothers played it until it broke. It was the coolest thing while we had it. Years later I got a Xbox original and that had awesome graphics. I thought how much better could it get. Then the play station 3 and Xbox 360 came out.
Oh yeah the games came along with them. Like the original Mario, like the original, he use to have maybe 4 commands now his latest game he’s got tons. Personally the original Mario was the best. Even thou Mario brawl and melee were terrific. Also the racing games have come on a lot too. Like on our play station we had like the first. Gran Turismo was as we thought the best game ever not so as I know now that its not sorry.
So now do you want to play your old games? I do. This story was a lot of fun to write cause it brought back good memories of me and my brothers. Now I have friends come over and we play. But now Xbox live and online pulls people away from each other. I miss the comradely of playing with people and interacting with people not people over the internet.
So warm up your Nintendo 64, and play station and go game. I’ll be waiting at my house if anyone still wants to have a battle on the 64. I’ll be waiting.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


well ive already worked on it so thats why it looks so big
New sports story
The best parts of life are spent with friends. We all agree with that. One thing that we do with friends are sports. Sports the four main sports are football ,soccer, baseball ,and basketball. These sports teach us about life lessons. They teach us teamwork, personal endurance, responsibility, respect/sportsmanship, leadership, and even attention to detail. These 6 things are all marks of good players.
Teamwork, being a part of a team and learning how to working together. Covering each others weaknesses and using each others strengths. Even if you don’t like the person you will still have to work with them to accomplish a conmen goal. “all for one and one for all” three musketeers.
Responsibility, knowing your part in a game and doing your part. Completing the task in front of you. Like in baseball guarding the base or point guard and actually making the shots. The roles of the team go on and on but if your on a team you deserve to give your team the best you have.
Personal endurance, giving all you have. Being able to play all the way up to the 90th minute, but still being able to play your hardest. I’m not just talkin physical endurance. Mental endurance too playing and using your head to make decisions. Even if your tired. A wise man said once “do or do not, there is no try” that man was yoda and he new what he was talkin about.
Respect/sportsmanship, when the other team makes a point still have the respect to congratulate them on the point. being able to accept defeat when they did play better than you did, but not give up. Push on to be better and then beat them the next time you play them. So "May the Force be with you"
Leadership, being able give direction or guidance to your team. Making decisions and then sticking to it. Take your team and lead by example the way you want the team to act, because that’s how leadership works if you haven’t found out yet, You also have to be the one who sees how you can win against unsurpassable odds cause that’s what a leader douse. “He or she not only bleeds for the team but bleeds into them” an excerpt from soccer.com/nike
Now this last one is a killer, I know I struggle with this too, its attention to detail. This is looking for double plays, open lanes and a wide open receiver . You notice the little things. This is a characteristic of a good player. If you love the sport you play you will eventually start noticing little details how the players body langue can tell you a lot of what he will do or what he’s thinking. You know if you do this you are dedicated and “Dedication is pushing harder when you don’t have anything left” Wesley Morgan
These points may not be why you play the sports you do but without noticing you will learn these 6 things. At the end of the day sports are fun but the things you can learn are so influential on who you are. I didn’t right this in attempt to point out things you should do, it douse accomplish that though, but to make you think about why you play sports.
By Wesley Morgan

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

george muller

a Christian evangelist and Director of orphanages in Bristol, England. he was a clergy and he founded and cared for orphanages and did many evangelistic missions. he shaped his religion by his knowledje of the bible. thats all i have.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Space Camp @ NASA

well space camp you probably thought it was just for kids but its not. there are plenty parent child programs. ranging prices from adult weekends at $300 to adult, child pilot programs at $800. now the programs aren't just for play the camp also offers a program for astronaut students. these programs are "for Adults is as close as you'll get. Put your skills, abilities and talents to the test in training simulators and simulated missions" as NASA describes. these camps are located all over the country. the newest program has a spin on a old classic movie. star wars, they have space programs based on the the popular movie. these programs include pod racing, light speed, robotics, and engineering. so are you interested? it opens June 24.ONLY 150 TICKETS PER TIME SLOT ARE AVAILABLE SO ORDER QUICKLY. well thats all.
ps. Mrs Maloncoconk they have adult programs so you need to go.

Monday, September 28, 2009


well i couldn't get the demolition to work so i didnt get to play but i saw people play it. now im moving on

happy news

wow. that's assume. i mean they said its bigger find than the gold helmet. what in that little pile of gold to make it a huge find. they said that those men would be millionaires how crazy is that. i wish i could find some thing like that in my backyard or like you said in your Attic. now onestly how mutch would you like me to right about this. so I think im done.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


what;a game site
why;cause games are awesome
how; the power of the internet

this was defiantly better than all the rest

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

to http://slurpee.com/BrainFreezeLaboratory/

who;to http://slurpee.com/BrainFreezeLaboratory/
what;a spacial
why;i have no earthly clue


why;people like animals
what;a twitter for your animal
how;the Internet


what;An ongoing project devoted to discovering all the words and everything about them
how;the power of the Internet

Monday, September 21, 2009

new 50 ideas-3

  1. popular music

  2. favorite movies

  3. favorite bands

  4. favorite teachers

  5. ask people for ideas

  6. favorite day of the week

  7. ask about quest speakers

  8. about drama

  9. about computer

  10. about history

  11. about englas

  12. about kangaroos

  13. about the chapel skits

  14. about chapel

  15. favorite holidays

  16. movie reviews

  17. tv reviews

  18. a short story

  19. song reviews

  20. unusual popular pets

  21. coolest car at bcs

  22. favorite coach at bcs

  23. why we love bcs (written by a student)

  24. what's with the snuggies

  25. life at bcs

  26. sports we wish were here

  27. dream concerts

  28. favorite scriptures

  29. common miss spoken words

  30. ask people about newspaper stories

  31. song reviews

  32. interviews with the Principal

  33. interviews with the assistant Principal

  34. interview coach Castillo

  35. interview coach Bayham

  36. interview Mrs maloncon

  37. weird words and there definition

  38. robot battles

  39. robot competitions

  40. weird habits

  41. explosives and why we like them

  42. snap your fingers snap your neck

  43. favorite dance styles

  44. why we like the song "i like to move it move it"

  45. where do you get your music
  46. where douse Mrs meloncon get her blog assignments

Friday, September 18, 2009