Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brandon T

This was one of my best friends when I first came to Bethany. I already sort of knew him from church. But I really got to know him a lot better. He’s turned out to be a awesome friend and man of God. He’s encouraged me and helped with whatever I needed.
I said he was a man of God and this will take a whole paragraph to tell. We’ve spent hours in warfare together either at church or just in his room. Its said that when your in battle with someone you know them better. Well speaking from experience its true. He challenges me to be better spiritually and/or physically. I could go on and on but that was 5 sentences, I know yall understand.
He’s done lots of different activities with me or him with me however you like it. He use to run track with us before he got hurt, pity, He was good. Then we love video games(can I get an amen) particularly Halo. A good memory of playin video games with him is when we got the game burnout. Oh my gosh that was so fun. It rewards you for blowing up cars and the amount of damage you do in a car. We had lots of fun, defiantly a guy game.
"If you can't kill a big deer, kill 2 little ones" Uncle Butch. That summons up Brandon’s life besides God. He goes up to a hunting camp down the road from me. Becomes a country red-neck and he shots whatever moves. that’s what he douse for his weekends during hunting season. Then on Monday wakes up washes his red-neck look off, but somehow misses his speech. He still talks country I’m gona guess that doesn’t come out.
All this together makes a friend that I’m proud to have. Now I’m not a girl I wont start crying or anything, and don’t take it weird but “I love you man” with as much sincerity as I can. You’ve been a good friend. That sounds like a farewell letter but I’ll see you next hour.

Monday, April 26, 2010

prom 2010

Well prom was awesome. Everyone looked so pretty/handsome. And it looked like everyone had an good time. Between the vintage dancers, diner, and the awards everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Even when it ended and everyone left to go to wherever they were going.
When me and my date(Katie) got there, there was no one else there besides Mrs. Moise and the workers. So we sat on the patio over looking the parade grounds and talked. We were there a little early and there were people suppose to betaking pictures already but I guess not. We actually were the photographer’s test subjects, he needed someone to look at to get the right look.
Then people started to arrive and it slowly picked up. We still had a while to waste so we went back on the patio. We talked and laughed about whatever. This is a great pass time for someone who is bored and lonely, surround yourself with awesome GODLY friends. A privilege I have all the time. Like on that night.
Then the vintage dancers arrived we were excited to step on the floor to try though we didn’t really know what the heck we were doin’. they started with something very similar to square dancing, which I love and have done quite a lot. So the first dance was fun and easy to pick up after a second. Then the second one was a waltz and that had one part that I couldn’t get which made the whole rest of the dance hard.
We had to stop that early cause we were behind schedule so we set and ate. While we were finishing eating they began to give awards and superlatives. Corey Landry, like usual, stole most of the awards. The superlatives were few and very uninventive. You could tell that little planning went into them.
Then the “prom” ended and every thought went to two words, “after party” a few pictures and farewells were exchanged. Then everyone separated and went where ever they went. Me and Katie had to get home early cause of engagements on Monday. I dropped her off in zacary and I went another 40min. Home. But I do not regret any of it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My year in journalism

This has been/is a awesome year. The people really make a class and I am proud to call you classmates. This class can seem difficult or monotonous with all those blogs but to get perfection you have to do it over and over again. Ouch that hurt coming out. This class was awesome, I listened to music, played on the computer, took funny pictures with mrs. M’s computer, and so much more. Now nothing compares to 4th hour but its close.
Blogs oh my gosh this was such a big deal I had to devote a whole paragraph to them. Well first off, where in the world did you get all those websites. Like completely random sites to play “games”. if you call ripping someone’s leg off a game, yea very educational.
This class showed me that I really don’t mind writing. Besides 5 paragraphs of 5-7 sentences. Those, yea really not to much of a fan of those. Writing the stories are actually really fun. I’m not the best writer in the world, trust me on this one. I highly enjoy it tough I’m not to good.
We’ve had a lot of issues this year, and while some people dreaded it I was waiting for the next chance to write for the newspaper. I was told that last year they had to build the paper in Photoshop with one computer, that sounded so hard. Now we have a legit computer lab with a good program.
I think of this class as one of those pictures of a single object but look closer and its lots of individual pictures.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

happy news stories

1.After Near Death Experience, Child is Honored as Hero
what; saved her brother from freezing water
when;april 19
where;monnet musuri
why; he fell through the ice
how; during ice skating
2. camping tips
who;anyone going camping without expiriance
when; none
where; preferably in the woods
what;tips for camping
why; camping is fun
how; tips;Both fun and practical, everyone will be happy to have a flashlight once the sun sets. Shop discount or dollar stores for little, economical flashlights. Don't forget the batteries
3.colege planning
who; transhishion students
when; anytime
where; college
what; tips for college
why; we defnatly need it
how;ex.Step 1
Fill out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA is key in many grant applications and is a required part of the application for financial aid at many schools. Your FAFSA will automatically prompt a check of your qualification for all federal grants, including a Pell Grant or GI Bill grant money.

national geographic

1. meteor shower
who; earth day
what;meteor shower peaks on earth day
when; april 22
where; in the atmosphere
why; i dont know

2. when is to far
who; anyone who pushes themselves to the limit
what; what is the limit of pushing your body
where; none
why; people push it too far
when; none
how; by phisical training

3.many hard to see creatures revealed
who; scientist
what; new animals phitographed
when; none
where; bottom of the ocean
why; knowlege

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rural meaning country life meaning to live. Museum for boring place to look at stuff. But don’t get me wrong it is interesting, but Mrs. Maloncon honestly. We do much cool stuff and now going here. Now let me stop and say here. I’m totally joking and could care less. Anyway I will now continue completely joking.
Now we could have taken trips to the Advocate or to something like that but were going to a rural life museum. Like I said before rural life is country living. Not exactly what we are studying. If you forgot we study newspaper or more specifically journalism.
Now this museum has lots of things to like they have the regular attractions of rural life with livestock and old houses and tools. They also have a garden and stuff like that too.
Now the whole thing has a overall theme witch is very obvious being in LA. All of us know that LA had lots of plantations around. That is the theme of this museum.

new and improved

On my honor
The scout oath; on my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong mentally awake and morally strait. These are the rules that the scouts take to. it’s a oath of excellence physically, morally, and ethnically. Eagle scouts are held to the highest accountability in these categories. Some of our presidents have been eagle scouts. Now I am among there ranks, I have the responsibility of the rank I have now.
Getting eagle is no joke, it takes years to accomplish what eagle requires. 21 badges ranging from personal fitness or personal management to wilderness survival. Public service hours approximately 20 hours. Also leadership in the local troop. These requirements can make you more responsible. This is the goal of boy scouts to take boys and prepare them being a man. Unfortunately there is a age limit to boy scouts its 18. All requirements have to be completed by your 18th birthday, all besides the board of review. There are branches of boy scouts that are for people up to 21. This is a great accomplishment and I am happy to have it completed.

2. BCS mission’s trip
I’ve been asked to describe the trip in one word. I had to tell them that one word would be to hard. But if I had to try, this trip was colossal. I grew so much spiritually. Now I’ve been on trips that were harder but the difference is that trip your there not for fun but for ministry. Yes the hike was tough but you lean on God so much it seams its easier than it should be. The seven and a half hour that it took really didn’t feel like it. I was singing and laughing so much that it went so fast. I’ve been asked to go back and I will most defiantly go back. And I encourage you too, if you can go, do it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

On my honor

The scout oath; on my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong mentally awake and morally strait. These are the rules that the scouts take to. it’s a oath of excellence physically, morally, and ethnically. Eagle scouts are held to the highest accountability in these categories. Some of our presidents have been eagle scouts. Now I am among there ranks, I have the responsibility of the rank I have now.
Getting eagle is no joke, it takes years to accomplish what eagle requires. 21 badges ranging from personal fitness or personal management to wilderness survival. Public service hours approximately 20 hours. Also leadership in the local troop. These requirements can make you more responsible. This is the goal of boy scouts to take boys and prepare them being a man. Unfortunately there is a age limit to boy scouts its 18. All requirements have to be completed by your 18th birthday, all besides the board of review. There are branches of boy scouts that are for people up to 21. This is a great accomplishment and I am happy to have it completed

on my honor

o.k. i changed my story. i'll be going a diferent direction.so here it is.
On my honor
The scout oath; on my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong mentally awake and morally strait. These are the rules that the scouts take to.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

last stories


1. Eagle scout
2. Mission trip (with Sarah)

1. One in a hundred
Being an eagle is a thing that few people get to say. Eagle scouts are people that had to work hard. Since being eagle requires hours of public service, a total of 21 merit badges from physical fitness to first aid, and a leadership in the troop(a group of boy scouts).