Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rural meaning country life meaning to live. Museum for boring place to look at stuff. But don’t get me wrong it is interesting, but Mrs. Maloncon honestly. We do much cool stuff and now going here. Now let me stop and say here. I’m totally joking and could care less. Anyway I will now continue completely joking.
Now we could have taken trips to the Advocate or to something like that but were going to a rural life museum. Like I said before rural life is country living. Not exactly what we are studying. If you forgot we study newspaper or more specifically journalism.
Now this museum has lots of things to like they have the regular attractions of rural life with livestock and old houses and tools. They also have a garden and stuff like that too.
Now the whole thing has a overall theme witch is very obvious being in LA. All of us know that LA had lots of plantations around. That is the theme of this museum.

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