Wednesday, April 14, 2010

On my honor

The scout oath; on my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong mentally awake and morally strait. These are the rules that the scouts take to. it’s a oath of excellence physically, morally, and ethnically. Eagle scouts are held to the highest accountability in these categories. Some of our presidents have been eagle scouts. Now I am among there ranks, I have the responsibility of the rank I have now.
Getting eagle is no joke, it takes years to accomplish what eagle requires. 21 badges ranging from personal fitness or personal management to wilderness survival. Public service hours approximately 20 hours. Also leadership in the local troop. These requirements can make you more responsible. This is the goal of boy scouts to take boys and prepare them being a man. Unfortunately there is a age limit to boy scouts its 18. All requirements have to be completed by your 18th birthday, all besides the board of review. There are branches of boy scouts that are for people up to 21. This is a great accomplishment and I am happy to have it completed

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