Thursday, May 20, 2010

what am i doing?

im doing stuff. i'll be working here at the church. and hanging out with my best friend before he goes to the air force. im actually really sad. not that he's leaving but i won't have any contact with him for 6 months. and helping a little with my boy scout troop. and that preaty much defines my life

If I were editor?

If I were editor? Nice. Well as far as tips go, keep your motivation, the blog’s may last for the night but joy comes in the morning, sometimes. Do your research, don’t be a Stephan Glass. Make it fun, laugh and cut up. It helps the atmosphere. These are my tips now let me explain.
(spoiler alert) Blog’s, so much joy involved with that word. The countless hours of endless joy you will have with these NBD’s. Now seriously they teach you how to write and write well. They put you in a position close to what we do in this class which is write the paper.
The motivation you had coming into this class, if you had any, you need to keep it. Be excited to write something that people read and are affected by weather they admit it or not. Its read by teachers parents students, including the elementary. They love it all.
Research is so important, the reference to Stephan Glass you’ll get when Mrs. Meloncon shows you that movie. It keeps you accountable, so people can double check your work. It also adds a solid background for what your saying. it’s a good idea take my word on it.
If I were editor? I really don’t know. “no one likes to be the man that follows the man”, its sort of where I am. Nathan was an awesome editor, I would be proud just follow his lead. So for me I will keep it rolling. He started something and I would love to keep it going.
Thank you for a good year everyone, wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Maybe

1. Building a mini greenhouse in your garden is an inexpensive, easy, low-tech way to start gardening earlier in spring and to extend the gardening season well into fall. This greenhouse uses a hoop house design and it can be covered with plastic, row cover material or shade cloth, making it a versatile and useful addition to the garden. The greenhouse takes under an hour to construct and uses materials that you can find in any hardware store.

2.Buying a hard drive involves considering whether it should be an internal or external hard drive, figuring out what the computer will support and researching many manufacturers to find the right one. Choose the right hard drive, either to replace an old one or to provide extra memory space, with information from an experienced software developer in this free video on computers.

3.Recovering hard drive data can be a difficult and complex task. Learn about different options for recovering data from a hard drive including software programs and companies that specialize in recovering data with these tips from an experienced computer user in this free video on computer hardware.

4. One of the most annoying things to encounter when cooking is a blunt knife, and this becomes very evident when you try to slice a tomato or dice an onion. A sharp knife is a chef's best friend and therefore it's helpful if you know how to sharpen kitchen knives.
Home sharpening methods include using a sharpening steel, drawing knives across a flat sharpening stone, or using a commercial knife sharpener

5. how to sing well It's. you warm up your voice before any type of vocal session or performance! Just as an athlete would warm up before a big game, you must warm up before you use your vocal cords. A lot of vocal injuries are caused by singers not taking the proper time to warm up. Don't cause strain on your vocal cords by trying to hit those high notes without a full vocal warm up exercise

6. Although big league history changes with the calendar and waits until next year, baseball video gaming is never out of season. In order to give your playing a sense of purpose beyond recreation, never lose sight of the fact that any kind of game play counts whether it's for casual fun or serious competition. This frame of mind will help lend legitimacy to your experience as you trade the pro ranks of real life for armchair athletic fields of dreams on your PC or console.

7. the best video game. Consider first what you enjoy doing for fun when thinking of your video game to choose. Each game appeals to a different audience and you may be able to determine what you would like based on what you normally like to do for fun.

8. Figuring out if a girl likes you requires paying attention to her behavior, her words and her body language. You'll need to notice how she acts toward you compared with how she acts around everyone else. (yes its lagit

9. talking to girls. Simply go up and say hi. This sounds easy but sometimes it is hard to do. Casually noticing her and saying hi is the right way to start. they preaty much take it from there

10. In a high stakes game, with two equally talented teams vying for the victory, motivation may be the deciding factor. Athletes and their coaches employ a variety of motivational techniques in order to achieve optimum performance during competition, and much research in the field of sports psychology is dedicated to uncovering the secrets of motivation.

im about to do

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ode to all of you

This is an ode to you Sarah. I enjoyed working with you, I didn’t even know you before this class but now I feel I know you very well. I know you’ve heard it time and time again but, you made it your graduating and that’s a major accomplishment. Good luck to you as your off to college or wherever God calls you.
This is an ode to you Tina, or as your known to some as Bonita Tina. Now I know your not “in” our class but you brought a lot of laughter and brightness ever since you walked into the class room that first day. I hope you move on to something you enjoy or better yet something ordained by God. Keep on brightening the world with that bright smile of yours.
This is an ode to you Nathan. Being the leader you were in journalism you affected more then just me. you brought more then comedy and leadership you taught me about righting. I would read you letter and wish I could right like that. In a way you did, I learned I should right like I talk, just like you. Well good luck in the world.
This is an ode to you Chase. Now the first thing that sticks out to me about is your personality, loud and bold. Many times you had us laughing, and those are the memories I will cherish from this class, yes the blogs were hard but it made it worth coming to class. So to you Chase have fun out there in the world.
This is an ode to you Lakeisha. I’m gona miss you sittin in front of me. Its gona be hard getting use to not having no seniors case already it fells empty. Especially since there is only 2 other people in the section of seats. But I’ll live its just gona be so hard to. I know you told us about a heart song and now I encourage you to follow yours.
this is an ode to you Bria. Well I’m sorry I don’t have and deep something to tell you cause quite frankly I didn’t really get to know you. In light of that you still were a senior in the class and by default you became a leader of the class. You encouraged us to keep going. that’s the word I have for you keep goin.
this is an ode to you Chelsey. Let me start of right, 4th hour. And that’s where I first met you. Now I don’t know you well but I still enjoyed you being here so that I wasn’t the only 4th hour Person. I can tell when some one is called and its true for you never drought it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Brandon T

This was one of my best friends when I first came to Bethany. I already sort of knew him from church. But I really got to know him a lot better. He’s turned out to be a awesome friend and man of God. He’s encouraged me and helped with whatever I needed.
I said he was a man of God and this will take a whole paragraph to tell. We’ve spent hours in warfare together either at church or just in his room. Its said that when your in battle with someone you know them better. Well speaking from experience its true. He challenges me to be better spiritually and/or physically. I could go on and on but that was 5 sentences, I know yall understand.
He’s done lots of different activities with me or him with me however you like it. He use to run track with us before he got hurt, pity, He was good. Then we love video games(can I get an amen) particularly Halo. A good memory of playin video games with him is when we got the game burnout. Oh my gosh that was so fun. It rewards you for blowing up cars and the amount of damage you do in a car. We had lots of fun, defiantly a guy game.
"If you can't kill a big deer, kill 2 little ones" Uncle Butch. That summons up Brandon’s life besides God. He goes up to a hunting camp down the road from me. Becomes a country red-neck and he shots whatever moves. that’s what he douse for his weekends during hunting season. Then on Monday wakes up washes his red-neck look off, but somehow misses his speech. He still talks country I’m gona guess that doesn’t come out.
All this together makes a friend that I’m proud to have. Now I’m not a girl I wont start crying or anything, and don’t take it weird but “I love you man” with as much sincerity as I can. You’ve been a good friend. That sounds like a farewell letter but I’ll see you next hour.

Monday, April 26, 2010

prom 2010

Well prom was awesome. Everyone looked so pretty/handsome. And it looked like everyone had an good time. Between the vintage dancers, diner, and the awards everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Even when it ended and everyone left to go to wherever they were going.
When me and my date(Katie) got there, there was no one else there besides Mrs. Moise and the workers. So we sat on the patio over looking the parade grounds and talked. We were there a little early and there were people suppose to betaking pictures already but I guess not. We actually were the photographer’s test subjects, he needed someone to look at to get the right look.
Then people started to arrive and it slowly picked up. We still had a while to waste so we went back on the patio. We talked and laughed about whatever. This is a great pass time for someone who is bored and lonely, surround yourself with awesome GODLY friends. A privilege I have all the time. Like on that night.
Then the vintage dancers arrived we were excited to step on the floor to try though we didn’t really know what the heck we were doin’. they started with something very similar to square dancing, which I love and have done quite a lot. So the first dance was fun and easy to pick up after a second. Then the second one was a waltz and that had one part that I couldn’t get which made the whole rest of the dance hard.
We had to stop that early cause we were behind schedule so we set and ate. While we were finishing eating they began to give awards and superlatives. Corey Landry, like usual, stole most of the awards. The superlatives were few and very uninventive. You could tell that little planning went into them.
Then the “prom” ended and every thought went to two words, “after party” a few pictures and farewells were exchanged. Then everyone separated and went where ever they went. Me and Katie had to get home early cause of engagements on Monday. I dropped her off in zacary and I went another 40min. Home. But I do not regret any of it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My year in journalism

This has been/is a awesome year. The people really make a class and I am proud to call you classmates. This class can seem difficult or monotonous with all those blogs but to get perfection you have to do it over and over again. Ouch that hurt coming out. This class was awesome, I listened to music, played on the computer, took funny pictures with mrs. M’s computer, and so much more. Now nothing compares to 4th hour but its close.
Blogs oh my gosh this was such a big deal I had to devote a whole paragraph to them. Well first off, where in the world did you get all those websites. Like completely random sites to play “games”. if you call ripping someone’s leg off a game, yea very educational.
This class showed me that I really don’t mind writing. Besides 5 paragraphs of 5-7 sentences. Those, yea really not to much of a fan of those. Writing the stories are actually really fun. I’m not the best writer in the world, trust me on this one. I highly enjoy it tough I’m not to good.
We’ve had a lot of issues this year, and while some people dreaded it I was waiting for the next chance to write for the newspaper. I was told that last year they had to build the paper in Photoshop with one computer, that sounded so hard. Now we have a legit computer lab with a good program.
I think of this class as one of those pictures of a single object but look closer and its lots of individual pictures.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

happy news stories

1.After Near Death Experience, Child is Honored as Hero
what; saved her brother from freezing water
when;april 19
where;monnet musuri
why; he fell through the ice
how; during ice skating
2. camping tips
who;anyone going camping without expiriance
when; none
where; preferably in the woods
what;tips for camping
why; camping is fun
how; tips;Both fun and practical, everyone will be happy to have a flashlight once the sun sets. Shop discount or dollar stores for little, economical flashlights. Don't forget the batteries
3.colege planning
who; transhishion students
when; anytime
where; college
what; tips for college
why; we defnatly need it
how;ex.Step 1
Fill out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA is key in many grant applications and is a required part of the application for financial aid at many schools. Your FAFSA will automatically prompt a check of your qualification for all federal grants, including a Pell Grant or GI Bill grant money.

national geographic

1. meteor shower
who; earth day
what;meteor shower peaks on earth day
when; april 22
where; in the atmosphere
why; i dont know

2. when is to far
who; anyone who pushes themselves to the limit
what; what is the limit of pushing your body
where; none
why; people push it too far
when; none
how; by phisical training

3.many hard to see creatures revealed
who; scientist
what; new animals phitographed
when; none
where; bottom of the ocean
why; knowlege

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rural meaning country life meaning to live. Museum for boring place to look at stuff. But don’t get me wrong it is interesting, but Mrs. Maloncon honestly. We do much cool stuff and now going here. Now let me stop and say here. I’m totally joking and could care less. Anyway I will now continue completely joking.
Now we could have taken trips to the Advocate or to something like that but were going to a rural life museum. Like I said before rural life is country living. Not exactly what we are studying. If you forgot we study newspaper or more specifically journalism.
Now this museum has lots of things to like they have the regular attractions of rural life with livestock and old houses and tools. They also have a garden and stuff like that too.
Now the whole thing has a overall theme witch is very obvious being in LA. All of us know that LA had lots of plantations around. That is the theme of this museum.

new and improved

On my honor
The scout oath; on my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong mentally awake and morally strait. These are the rules that the scouts take to. it’s a oath of excellence physically, morally, and ethnically. Eagle scouts are held to the highest accountability in these categories. Some of our presidents have been eagle scouts. Now I am among there ranks, I have the responsibility of the rank I have now.
Getting eagle is no joke, it takes years to accomplish what eagle requires. 21 badges ranging from personal fitness or personal management to wilderness survival. Public service hours approximately 20 hours. Also leadership in the local troop. These requirements can make you more responsible. This is the goal of boy scouts to take boys and prepare them being a man. Unfortunately there is a age limit to boy scouts its 18. All requirements have to be completed by your 18th birthday, all besides the board of review. There are branches of boy scouts that are for people up to 21. This is a great accomplishment and I am happy to have it completed.

2. BCS mission’s trip
I’ve been asked to describe the trip in one word. I had to tell them that one word would be to hard. But if I had to try, this trip was colossal. I grew so much spiritually. Now I’ve been on trips that were harder but the difference is that trip your there not for fun but for ministry. Yes the hike was tough but you lean on God so much it seams its easier than it should be. The seven and a half hour that it took really didn’t feel like it. I was singing and laughing so much that it went so fast. I’ve been asked to go back and I will most defiantly go back. And I encourage you too, if you can go, do it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

On my honor

The scout oath; on my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong mentally awake and morally strait. These are the rules that the scouts take to. it’s a oath of excellence physically, morally, and ethnically. Eagle scouts are held to the highest accountability in these categories. Some of our presidents have been eagle scouts. Now I am among there ranks, I have the responsibility of the rank I have now.
Getting eagle is no joke, it takes years to accomplish what eagle requires. 21 badges ranging from personal fitness or personal management to wilderness survival. Public service hours approximately 20 hours. Also leadership in the local troop. These requirements can make you more responsible. This is the goal of boy scouts to take boys and prepare them being a man. Unfortunately there is a age limit to boy scouts its 18. All requirements have to be completed by your 18th birthday, all besides the board of review. There are branches of boy scouts that are for people up to 21. This is a great accomplishment and I am happy to have it completed

on my honor

o.k. i changed my story. i'll be going a diferent here it is.
On my honor
The scout oath; on my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong mentally awake and morally strait. These are the rules that the scouts take to.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

last stories


1. Eagle scout
2. Mission trip (with Sarah)

1. One in a hundred
Being an eagle is a thing that few people get to say. Eagle scouts are people that had to work hard. Since being eagle requires hours of public service, a total of 21 merit badges from physical fitness to first aid, and a leadership in the troop(a group of boy scouts).

Monday, March 22, 2010


1. increase of activity at volcano
who; Fimmvorduhals
what; An increase in activity at the Fimmvorduhals volcano this morning has led to the no-fly zone in southern Iceland being widened.
when; now
where; Fimmvorduhals volcano
why; in crease of acivity

2. Swedish football club bans foreign languages
who; sweedish football club
where; sweeden
when' now
what;Swedish football club bans foreign languages
why;all players at the club converse only in Swedish

3. SXSW 2010 showcases Scandinavian music
who; texas
when;this year
where taxas
why; showcases Scandinavian music
what; around fifty different Scandinavian artists and musicians showcasing in front of countless music lovers and journalists

abc news go

1. hands off
who; oregon schools
when; now
what; oregon schools ban hugging
why; cause some students felt unconfertable

2.talaban tempt
what; russia tempts talaban
why;to end the war
where; russia
when; now

3.Working Hard or Hardly Working?
who; the work force
what;A string of new tech companies and online outlets is targeting the cubicle set with software and computer games that make it easier to goof off at work without getting caught.
when; now
where; in the office
why; they dont want to work

al jazeera

1. US: Israel faces difficult choices
what; Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has told America's pro-Israel lobby that the building of Israeli settlements is preventing peace with the Palestinians
why; increased tenshion
where; israil

2. Afghan group on 'Kabul mission'
who; afghan group
what;a plan for peace talks with the Afghan government
why;Earlier this month, the government said a number of Hezb-i-Islami fighters, who lead an insurgency separate from the Taliban
how; insugancy

3. Rising waters threaten Nile Delta
who;nile residants
what;the nile's extra is rising
where; nile
when; now
why; salt-water infiltrates the Delta's soil from below, and destroys the farming land.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

God Given Talent

God is good, his love endures forever. Some people have unbelievable talent. Just look at the Guinness book of world records, they have the fastest man alive or best at whatever. Michal Phelps is the undisputed fastest swimmer in the world, that’s crazy. Usain Bolt the fastest man in the world has broke his own record. He even makes it look easy. They are not Christians and they have changed the world of sports.
These people are amazing at those things but what are you good at? You can probably think of at least one thing your good at. Now good at and talented at are two different things. Good at is something you have to work extra hard to get. Like a sport, you have to work hard at it. Maybe your just talented, being able to do something without having to work so hard. It can be something as simple as righting poetry. I have no earthly desire to do that and no talent for that either. But some of you like it and have a talent for that.
Now use that for Gods glory and give him praise. Talent is God given, most people don’t realize that, they think that they deserve that. They don’t give God credit they go about using that talent. Now here’s the challenge, or maybe not a challenge more a question. Do you use the talents that you have for his glory or do you use it for your own means.
Yes, awesome then you probably can relate to this. You use you talent, and God blessed you or will in the future. The people who lean on him are usually more satisfied with whatever they do cause they love God, and most Christian people have decided that win or lose they will give God the glory.
Everyone doesn’t have that reassurance. They live for there own pleasure. The happiness of victory but they also have a huge “down” when they lose cause they have no reason to be happy cause they have no victory to reassure them. This is why some people strive for perfection, and that’s a good thing, but no ones perfect. When they fail there’s nothing to satisfy.
This column was suppose to help you see the real reason why you have a talent and hopefully you answered that you use it for his glory. But if you for fun its not bad but you need to commit that its for the Lord and do it all out. Thanks for reading.

Monday, March 15, 2010

abc news

1. Peter Graves, star of 'Mission Im
possible' and 'Airplane!' died Sunday at age 83.

2. Coroner: Haim Died of Pulmonary CongestionCoroner reveals Corey Haim had an enlarged heart, fluid in his lungs.

3. Research looks at what technology is doing to personal, romantic, professional relationships.

4. Would you be wary oftechnology that might tell a sales clerk what you are most likely to buy, even if you think you haven't made up your own mind?

5.NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has observed a mysterious X-shaped debris pattern (inset) and trailing streamers of dust that suggest a head-on collision between two asteroids. Astronomers have long believed objects in the asteroid belt sometimes hit each other, but they've never actually seen such a celestial smashup. (NASA)

bbc news

1. David Beckham's dream of playing in a fourth World Cup looks to be over after he tore his left Achilles tendon in AC Milan's 1-0 win over Chievo on Sunday.

2. An avalanche has struck a snowmobile gathering in Canada's Rocky Mountains, killing at least two people.

3. The US Defence Department may investigate one of its staff over claims he ran an unofficial spy ring in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

4. Governments need to crack down on illegal tiger trading if the big cats are to be saved, the UN has warned.

5. The cast of hit US show Glee are thrilled they have been invited to perform at the White House by Michelle Obama.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein

These men are reporters for the Washington post, a newspaper in DC. Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein are the two men. These men noticed a problem with federal funds. The funds went deep into politics. They followed the money and it ended nowhere. There was money not accounted for. This is what they did.
Bob Woodward was the man who discovered it. He saw men in court that has nice lawyers for conmen criminals. This is just a little strange. He looked at there names, that turned out to be alias. So once he worked his way around who they were and then realized who they were he was shocked.
Carl Bernstein came in a little late trying to edit Bob’s story. Then through the disagreement they started working together. that’s strange too. He smoked a lot. I think he smoked in every single seine. I’m not to sure if that’s how it actually was but it makes a good story.
These men uncovered the biggest scandal to come across the nation. Well that we know of. There are probably lots more that we don’t know of. But that’s what we live in. so we need people like this to research this.

Friday, February 19, 2010


My favorite sport would have to be cross country. But there is a sport that comes after it by such a small amount that I often reconsider which ones my favorite. The only reason that cross country is my favorite it that it’s a school sport. This sport is a combat sport. Not a sport like judo of karate but actual combat. it’s the one and only air soft.
Now air soft is my preferred because its more like actual combat. Not like paintball cause we use guns very similar in combat style. Paintball is a fast paced game, no strategy and less strategy. We are outside while paintballs is inside and in a ring. Strategy is more the name of the game.
Now I’ve played paintball, so don’t think I don’t know. Paintball was fun for a little. And was good for fast paced small attention spans. It took a whole 2 minutes to complete. Big whoop!
air soft was like strategy strategy strategy! Nonstop too. This was my style of play. It was much more enjoyable to play. It takes your abilities and stretches them. The adrenalin factor is less too. Because its longer( like 35 minutes longer) it takes more to keep going.
But this is my choose yours is yours. I cant make up your mind but I would recommend it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Goastrider’s

When I say sniper what comes to mind? Someone with a large rifle and a suit that makes them look like there surroundings. Well in a way that’s what they need along with years of training to be a good sniper. They are the silent pride of the military. Not seen or known until some one falls over dead.
This team is the best they have never failed in there history. They are an elite group made up of the finest snipers in the world. Called to service from every country to the service of the united nations. They have eight men in this team. Only eight, never more never less. The men are known only to each other by code names. The men in the team don’t even know the names. This group is known as the “Goastriders” . given this name cause that’s all they leave.
They can be deployed anywhere. From Iranian deserts to Russian blizzards. They have and will be in the future. They have been known to take out political figures, and gorilla military leaders. But are most known for there destroying small villages of enemy insurgents. They always make a mark of a crushed skull.
This group works like this to take out a hostile village. They are first dropped out of a plane. During a high altitude flight. They drop to the ground, burry there equipment. Slowly work there way to the village. They will spend two days and nights figuring out the movement of forces and guards. Then at the right time split into 4 groups. Each group has a high powered 50cal. Sniper Rifle, also a smaller rifle. The larger rifle has a thermal scope for attacking the men inside buildings. The other for men outside.
The first shot is to take out the leader, after the original shot the teams make synchronized shots. These individual teams are 90 degrees from each other encircling the base. To ensure no one escapes and to hit them from all directions, so there is nowhere to hide. Leavening no one alive with just sniping. After this the team moves in one team at a time. Clearing the base even further.
Then only after this do the team paint the dreaded symbol. They leave and no one will know what happened until someone comes in to look. By this time the team has successfully moved out. There extraction is slow. They are required to move slowly stealthily across the line. This is whats required for them.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ready Set Go!!!!-

Well basketball came and went, and congrats to them. Now comes the track team. We are real short on people but we do have a returning star. Everyone knows the girl’s team won state last year with the leading efforts of Mariah Georgetown, that was last year. This being our stars last year all of us would appreciate the support. Our meets start in march so we will be looking for all our Bethany Lion Fans.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Congratulations for the united nations. They have stepped up and delivered millions of dollars to Hattie. Not just money but food and countless other supplies. But not just united nations but red cross, Sumerians purse, and countless other charities around the world have come to help. They have thousands of people on the ground. Millions of dollars to back them. Congratulations.
This country has no building codes. They can build a building anywhere and anyway. This lead to cluttered mounds of concrete that they call homes and when the earthquake hit it tore those houses down like paper. Also some pictures that you see arent from the earthquake. They are from the buildings already not holding up. Those are the conditions they already live in.
Last week we had a doctor that our church supports, he is in Hattie, talked to us via a satellite phone. His message was to pray. These people are living in terrible conditions and that the injuries are catastrophic. At the end of the phone call he had to go because an ambulance was coming. They are still receiving people at there hospital. It is utter turmoil there.
On top of all the turmoil they are a voo-doo nation. They have elected to the top of there lives.the bonds are breaking. Missionaries are coming in sharing the gospel with thousands. With there physical relief comes spiritual release, from bondage and oppression. They are open to it now. When before it wasn’t.
What can we do? Well we can donate money to the countless originations. We can volunteer, weather it be going to the country itself or helping load trucks full of supply’s. There are lots of things we can do. Cause we are the most blessed country in the world.
The estimates of the repair to this island are predicted to be near ten years. To rebuild this city/country. It will be long after that to rebuild lives and anything else that came down in those seconds of the earthquake. It will never be “the way it was” cause there’s no going back.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

the intrnational storys

1. haitie
who; the haitien people
what; a earthquake in haite (a 7.0 earthquake)
when;jan 20
why; earthquakes happen when plates in the earths crust shift
where; haitie
how;earthquakes happen when plates in the earths crust shift

2. Somalia
when;month of jan
why;Somalia fighting
what;Al-Shabaab and Hisb-ul-Islam militias are in a blood fude
how; fighting

3. world cup
who;millions of fans and players of the sport of soccer
when; the 2010 cup
why;cause soccer is awesome
where;world wide competishion
what;national teams playing

4. california mud slides
when;jan 18
what; rains and high winds causing mud slides
how; lots of rain

5. no more bible
who;american soldiers
when;afective now
why;its seen as a criastian crusaders
where; all US soldiers
what;there once was bible verses on the sights of US rifels but they have been removed
how; gov. order

6. Android Phones Close in on iPhone
who;anyone who uses or is afected by smartphones. aka everyone


sing a new song

Flyleaf, breaking Benjamin, 12 stones, Halk Nelson, Skillet, lacrea, and Red. These are some of my favorite artists. They are all play awesome music. They have similar styles but all different in a way too. Some of artists have been around for some time, others not so long. These in particular play a style of music sometimes called “head banger” music. Rock or even punk music. Through it all these artists are Christian. OMG
Flyleaf and Breaking Benjamin these are very similar they play music. Called metal music. I like it cause its adrenaline pumping, head bobbing, and ear busting sweet. They make you want to jump up and shout. But while your jumping and shouting your hearing a message, like when I went to rock the river. Flyleaf played a song that I knew and started singing it. In mid song I realized that usually when we sing that song it’s a worship song. They can do stuff like that.
In the bible God said “sing unto me a new song” I think he meant it. So that’s what these artists are doing. Instead of playing the same ones over and over they are making new music. They keep the Christian values, but they sound different. Like the artist Larry Norman (who was the first Christian rock artist) said “I don’t like none of those funeral marches, I aint dead yet” that is what some artist are saying.
Lacrea, omg this artist considered by some to be a secular artist. Well actually this man is a awesome Christian. If you listen to his music there will be no drought if he’s saved or not. The only drought that some people have is that he’s a rapper. Yea some people say that if you play music like that you cant be saved. Lacrea says in one of his songs that Jesus is the reason that hes breathing. Or even he’s been on mission trips.
Some of the lines for you to judge for yourself. “you might like rap that’s loud and reckless a soap box for the loud and restless head bobbin to you loose ya necklace or better yet bobbin to they leave you neck less” -Lacrea. “they didn’t love there life so mutch as to shrink from death, inspired in there footsteps we will march ahead, don’t be shocked that people die be surprised your still alive” -Flyleaf. “if you want to live life loud through your hands up if you want to scream and shout let me hear you taken all the fakers out if your with me every body liven just keep liven” - Halk Nelson.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

me in pic's

the best uteach

1. chase and how to play a ukulele
this was interesting to me cause i actully might look into playing one. he showed us that its a pickup and play instrament but also it has some deapth. the gitar has intrested me but its a hoby i dont have time for. these things like eagle, school, track, ect makes it hard to take up anything else. but having a simple instrament would be terific.
2. bonsai by "papa" Tim
was exelent. really interesting and had lots of information of how to do it and who douse it. it all together was really good. to tie you shoe by jasmine
i actully liked it cause she was like a teacher. she was a little "mrs" if you know what i mean. her power point was VERY detailed. if i did something like that i would have a whole 3 slides. and not just words but meaningful words. so two thumbs up.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

high school newspapers

1. the hilight is at st. caramel they have a website and a big school too. they up date to twitter, facebook ect.
2.silyman high put a out a paper every other week they do everything to movie revews to sports
3. Catholic high douse one. they make a website to go with it with current updates for there many students
4. central's is called the baerly published
5. also LSU, yes its a college but, they have a high school section.
Friday, October 16, 2009
the high school vidios
4th hour
well the first one is 4th hours video. it was awesome to make. the thing was we made it off the top of our heads. we took one whole afternoon and filmed it laughing the whole time. these people we had a rivalry with made a video too. ant that will be the next one.

oh my gosh. this was,,,something spacial the video was, interesting but some scenes were horrible just nasty i don't recommend this video.since them made fun of the KKK it really wasn't that good. and i dint have much else to say except that i don't recommend this video.

this one was better they only was a little weird. okay when i say weird i mean stupid. and all i got out of it was the history behind how snowboards are shaped and bananas. like i said weird. oh and can anyone tell me why the kid was in the tree.

this was a weather project. or maybe they were just goofin' i don't know. then random people laying on the floor and some random lady walkin' through. alright now they make no sense but i think that they were acing like a hurricane warning, er something.

last one finally, oh they thought this was best but not at all. the best parts was like the eqivelent to our worst parts. to be contiued

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

the other is pics so you can just look
5 things
1. teamwork well its working together and agreeing or working to that conclusion
2. we had to be creative unbalivable creative
3. we had to be ready for it whenever it came
4. being able to speak and not crumble
5. working together to get there and we need to comunicate
5 things about teamwork- it really showed me and made me think of i really think of leadership. i thought of leadership in one way before cause i was never forced to wright them. it made me think yes that is something or not something i would like in a leader or what i would like to be.

80’s pics- they made me laugh cause some of them look crazy. like hairdos that need a weedeater to fix. they think they look so cool. but thats the thing i guess we think were so cool, but in a few years style will change. and well will be on the Internet lookin so "cool", and like we do they will point and laugh.

High school videos- especially ours, they make me eather laugh or show me what others do. we got some ideas from them and did an English video. we made them laugh until some people were on the floor and we enjoyed every second of it.